Did Not Fuck Leesha/Sarah
I understand where you guys are coming from...it's like when little kids dealing with the NHL hype machine. "OH MY GOSH, HAVE YOU SEEN THIS GUY?!?! HE'S AWESOME!!!" "Yeah...he's pretty talented." "NO, NO YOU'RE TOTALLY UNDER SELLING HIM, HE'S THE BEST EVAAAAAA" "Well, he's certainly playing well, top talent...but that's sort of a stretch I mean there's been a lot of talented players through the y..." "NO! YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND! STOP! HE'S THE BEST! LOOK HOW GREAT HE IS!" "Dude, I'm saying he's a great player!" "THAT'S NOT ENOUGH FOR ME!" "Oka..."
Did I wander into the wrong thread, because this looks like the court reporter's transcription from back when I beat a Red Wings fan to death with an octopus for saying that Nicklas Lidstrom was better than Ray Bourque.
Sidney Crosby is definitely the star of the week. It took one week after almost a year to become the Art Ross favorite. That's some nasty hockey right there.