Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Funny that this thread should come up today because this is exactly what just happened to one of our facilities. I got a call today that every web page this site tried to visit redirected them to a page from century link telling them their internet has been blocked due to a potential virus. It wasn't just web pages that were down of course, they also took down the services we use to take care of customers.
So of course I had to drop everything and rush to this site. Followed the steps on the browser to get things turned back on. Basically lied and said the infection was gone. Then I went about trying to find out where this was coming from. I didn't think it was any of our main computers as we have decent protection on them. I was right. Turns out it was on a laptop of someone visiting from another office I have no control over.
As for Malwarebytes Anti-Malware... Great program, but don't expect that a clean scan means you don't have an infection. In the case of this laptop all MBAM found was 2 PUP (nothing major). Zeus (zbot or win32-zbot) is very good at stealthing from anti virus and anti malware scanning.
I used a couple of free apps from Kaspersky to find the critter and stomp it out.
Is a great page if you have some stubborn trojans. I used the zbotkiller and TDSSkiller apps off that page and both found things and fixed them. After that I ran rkill Downloading RKill. That link saves the file as iexplorer.exe, don't panic if you use that. They rename it to that so ruthless trojans don't block it.
Once you run all 3 of those (under 5 mins for all of it) you run MBAM again (don't reboot first!) and it's all good.
I keep trying to tell upper management that allowing visitors from other offices to use our internet without us having any control over their systems is dangerous and maybe now they will listen?
So of course I had to drop everything and rush to this site. Followed the steps on the browser to get things turned back on. Basically lied and said the infection was gone. Then I went about trying to find out where this was coming from. I didn't think it was any of our main computers as we have decent protection on them. I was right. Turns out it was on a laptop of someone visiting from another office I have no control over.
As for Malwarebytes Anti-Malware... Great program, but don't expect that a clean scan means you don't have an infection. In the case of this laptop all MBAM found was 2 PUP (nothing major). Zeus (zbot or win32-zbot) is very good at stealthing from anti virus and anti malware scanning.
I used a couple of free apps from Kaspersky to find the critter and stomp it out.
Is a great page if you have some stubborn trojans. I used the zbotkiller and TDSSkiller apps off that page and both found things and fixed them. After that I ran rkill Downloading RKill. That link saves the file as iexplorer.exe, don't panic if you use that. They rename it to that so ruthless trojans don't block it.
Once you run all 3 of those (under 5 mins for all of it) you run MBAM again (don't reboot first!) and it's all good.
I keep trying to tell upper management that allowing visitors from other offices to use our internet without us having any control over their systems is dangerous and maybe now they will listen?