Flying V God
I don't think there is anyone in the league better at killing their teams own offensive attack better than Hannan.
So true.
I don't think there is anyone in the league better at killing their teams own offensive attack better than Hannan.
Strange part is how much they are regressing as a whole. They went young and you would think the young guys would improve..but Braun, Hertl, Nieto, Staylock have really regressed and now everyone else is regressing. I thought they would start slow and they would get better. They started better and have gotten worse. I don't think it is coaching. I mean Larry Robinson forgot how to coach? No way. Ok Baby Jay can go, but I just don't get why they have flat lined so much. They have always been mentally weak..but it is off the charts now. More than ever.
Jamie Baker shit the fuck up. Saying Senators getting lucky breaks. No, they are working harder just like the Wings a few nights ago. You make your luck by hard work Jamie.
The one benefit of being at the game is not having to listen to Jamie Baker.
The guy is terrible. At least Stemkowski had the guts to tell it like it is on the radio broadcast.
It was a bad loss and saying the Senators were just lucky is an insult to both the Sharks fans and the Senators.
The Sharks were outplayed. There's no two ways about that.