It wasnt satan guyse. It was trenchcoats
In response to school shooting in Texas, Hugh Hewitt proposes a ban on trench coats
Bare minimum, regulations regarding safety and use training, and storage of firearms are essential. The Santa Fe shooting specifically could have been prevented with actual gun storage laws--and enforcement of those laws--to keep weapons out of the hands of those who don't own them and shouldn't use them.
Safety training and storage laws will hugely reduce accidental discharges resulting in death and injury, keeping loaded guns out of the hands of children who don't understand their power and use, and keep actual adult gun owners from owning guns without first learning barrel and trigger discipline. But hopefully, such training would also promote a culture which respects the destructive power of firearms, and makes people less likely to resort to them as a "problem solving" measure.
Having guns locked up in the home will also create just a little bit of extra time for the potential victim of a domestic violence murder to escape, or for the would-be shooter to reconsider their actions.
If we've decided the 2nd Amendment means no restrictions can be placed on the acquisition of firearms, we have to legislate a capable, respectful citizenry with respect to their use at the very least.
In other news entirely, my stalker is back. I have received either my fourth or fifth anonymous pumpkin-themed gift: a summertime kid in a hat drinking a cold beverage metal yard decoration and a small, fake pumpkin. It's been at least a year since the last gift.
I'm going to figure out who it is this time.
Travel tip - Don't speak Spanish at the Wild Horse Border crossing (Alberta / Montana)
Stopping Americans for speaking Spanish: the latest evidence that Border Patrol agents have too much power
Travel tip #2 - The Corner Bar in Havre, Montana is a fun place.
Rapper brings white girl up on stage to sing (rap) song with multiple N-words. White girl stays true to lyrics. Rapper feigns offence.
Maybe just stop using the word in your fucking songs if you don’t want large swaths of your fanbase to repeat them
Kendrick Lamar stops white fan using N-word
The cynical side of me believes that to be the case.It's almost like he set her up just for that
The cynical side of me believes that to be the case.
It also brings up the bigger conundrum for rappers like Kendrick who pump their lyrics full of messages of "black struggle" and then sell tickets to their shows at such a high value that for the most part the only people who can afford to go to them are middle and upper class people, very few of whom are black.
Rapper brings white girl up on stage to sing (rap) song with multiple N-words. White girl stays true to lyrics. Rapper feigns offence.
Maybe just stop using the word in your fucking songs if you don’t want large swaths of your fanbase to repeat them
Kendrick Lamar stops white fan using N-word
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Trump administration is moving to reverse Obama-era rules barring hunters on some public lands in Alaska from baiting brown bears with bacon and doughnuts and using spotlights to shoot mother black bears and cubs hibernating in their dens.
The National Park Service issued a notice Monday of its intent to amend regulations for sport hunting and trapping in national preserves to bring the federal rules in line with Alaska state law.
Under the proposed changes, hunters would also be allowed to hunt black bears with dogs, kill wolves and pups in their dens, and use motor boats to shoot swimming caribou.
Interior Department moves to reverse Obama-era rules on hunting bears, wolves in Alaska
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Trump administration is moving to reverse Obama-era rules barring hunters on some public lands in Alaska from baiting brown bears with bacon and doughnuts and using spotlights to shoot mother black bears and cubs hibernating in their dens.
The National Park Service issued a notice Monday of its intent to amend regulations for sport hunting and trapping in national preserves to bring the federal rules in line with Alaska state law.
Under the proposed changes, hunters would also be allowed to hunt black bears with dogs, kill wolves and pups in their dens, and use motor boats to shoot swimming caribou.
Interior Department moves to reverse Obama-era rules on hunting bears, wolves in Alaska
He can but if he’s going to I think the outrage anytime a non-black person speaks or mouths the word when singing along needs to disappear. For example, these obviously-racist, uh, Victoria’s Secret models.He can use whatever words he wants in his songs, but bringing someone up on stage to sing with you who you don't want to use the same words is pretty stupid.
Why does he have a toaster that eats plastic on his dashboard?The problem is that us white folks can't hear Lamar, we can only listen to Lamar...