The Original Husker+ Fan
Hey man.
I swear that that was the first thought that crossed my mind. No lie.
Hey man.
Oh don't worry about me. I've been nagged. I've been married for 27 years that included PMS almost every month, 4 pregnancies and finally menopause.
Let's say my wife prepared me for you.
Trust me, she's told me all about it. She has used the excuse on me already.
I just won't buy it. We're all human, we're all equal. God wouldn't have made us to where one gender blows up 1 week out of every month and there's nothing that the other gender can do but to sit and take it.
It's an excuse and nothing more. And women are taught to take the excuse and run with it, from an early age.
I just will not ever accept it. If she wants to use that excuse on me, I'll come up with my own then. I'm constipated 1 week out of every month then.....and it pisses me the fuck off! What the hell you gonna do about it?!
I do believe JJM might of had a nip of the ol bottle
Sirs, I shit ye not. That is my stance on that subject.
I do not put up with anybody being in a pissy mood in my home to begin with.......but if you start giving me some scientific excuse for why you're in that mood so that I'll accept it, it's just gonna make things worse.
I told my wife, I understand when it's that time of the month you're not happy because you're not comfortable, but it's no excuse to make someone else's life miserable. She agreed and it's never been an issue since.
When she bears your children you will lose EVERY disagreement. She either wins or you will lose all your shit. You will only get to see your kids on Wednesdays and every other weekend, and you'll be giving her half your paycheck until they turn 19. That she has your child implies her ownership of you.
You just don't understand yet, JJM.
I'm smarter than ye all give me credit for.
We aren't planning on having children because I already foresee the issues in the long run.
With that said, my mom was not at all one of these bitches to my dad. So it is possible to avoid the excuses. My dad didn't allow it.