I'm So High Right Now
How can you suck so bad on your home ice?
How can you suck so bad on your home ice?
WTF Elliott?
That should be stopped 99 out of 100 times from 60 feet out.
See that shit?
I knew we scored 2 minutes ago because the guy sitting across from me raised his arm up, and I just heard it now on the radio feed.
I want to know what he is listening to and why I have a 2 minute delay.
I'm not smart or anything... but why don't you ask him?
This has not been a pretty game Urkie. Man!
Why did Ruutu get unsportsmanlike there? He got drilled from behind into the boards...lol
Why did Ruutu get unsportsmanlike there? He got drilled from behind into the boards...lol
I hate people, that's why.
Who cares, he's a no good dirty biter.