like in the back of a VW
You can defend him all you want. You have to admit he has NEVER got it done in big games. You talk about guys that have that "it" factor, Eli, Rodgers, Brady. You can talk about the team around him, but you cant fix him.
Dallas has to get rid of him, IF they want to get over the hump and win big games. Other than big games he is a legit QB.
You have to start from scratch. Yeah it sucks, but if you keep Romo you cant go anywhere anyway.
insane talk............. romo is not the main problem,if we get him a good line and dez plays like he did the last 7 games with a better defense and he still blows it then we will see but you dont want to be in a buffalo,oakland,jax,kc,miami situation looking for a qb every 3 years