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Rodger Saffold ~ Wired


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
Hoopla Cash
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I love that video Vita and the one on Quinn got me stoked just like you guys. Badass!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Good video V Mike!

You know...last year, when our run game took off, a lot of guys seem to give a lot of credit to Zach Stacy! Which is good, BUT, at the same time people seem to forget that this was when Saffold was moved to guard. Kind of makes you wonder is Stacy really that good? OR.... is the fact that Saffold is great at guard and even I could run behind him.....Thoughts??


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
Hoopla Cash
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Well they are moving Robinson inside to left guard and Long will be back. Right now we have a huge O-Line. Smashmouth time!!!


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Apr 18, 2013
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Keep Saffold at guard no matter what!


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Jul 11, 2013
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Well they are moving Robinson inside to left guard and Long will be back. Right now we have a huge O-Line. Smashmouth time!!!

I just hope Jake Long is healthy and has a good year. If he does, there will be no weak links on our line! Last year it was the interior o-line that struggled. That ended up with Bradford on DL. Plus also, our new rookie hopefully learns the guard position ASAP. Broudeau will get him going!


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
Hoopla Cash
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If Wells gets beat out by Jones, we get even bigger and they have some huge back-ups like Sean Hooey. So we are good to go and Boudreau will work his magic!!


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 141,051.00
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Good video V Mike!

You know...last year, when our run game took off, a lot of guys seem to give a lot of credit to Zach Stacy! Which is good, BUT, at the same time people seem to forget that this was when Saffold was moved to guard. Kind of makes you wonder is Stacy really that good? OR.... is the fact that Saffold is great at guard and even I could run behind him.....Thoughts??
Thanks on the OP comment!

My thoughts go like this.... Rookies can only be as good as they understand the teams playbook. There is a huge adjustment required coming in from the collegiate level to the NFL. These NFL defenses are so complex for these guys now days. If they can't understand the teams playbook, they have no chance to beat what's being thrown at them from the other side.

I don't think Pead or Richardson would have done nearly as well as Stacy running behind Saffold however I'm sure Stacy was a benefactor, as well as Clemens for that matter, with the Saffold move.

My beliefs are, with decent talent at the skill positions, if you can run the ball you can pass it, if you can pass it you can run the ball as long as you have above average offensive line play.

That said and with all due respect, I don't think you'd have a shot in hell, in any given game, at making a yard per carry on 10 carries... :lol:

Aren't you old like me? :noidea:
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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Thanks on the OP comment!

My thoughts go like this.... Rookies can only be as good as they understand the teams playbook. There is a huge adjustment required coming in from the collegiate level to the NFL. These NFL defenses are so complex for these guys now days. If they can't understand the teams playbook, they have no chance to beat what's being thrown at them from the other side.

I don't think Pead or Richardson would have done nearly as well as Stacy running behind Saffold however I'm sure Stacy was a benefactor, as well as Clemens for that matter, with the Saffold move.

My beliefs are, with decent talent at the skill positions, if you can run the ball you can pass it, if you can pass it you can run the ball as long as you have above average offensive line play.

That said and with all due respect, I don't think you'd have a shot in hell, in any given game, at making a yard per carry on 10 carries... :lol:

Aren't you old like me? :noidea:

You are right, I don't want to dis-credit Stacy, but put Saffold in front of him and he is even better. Lets just hope our o-line coach can mesh all together to be even more great! I'm kind of curious as to see how Tre Mason does. He and G. Robinson already know each other real well and IMO this could really help ease their transition into the NFL as long as they know the plays. They seem like intelligent players.

My philosophy is, the "run" sets up the "pass". If you have a great run game, the opposing defense will have to stack the box in order to stop it. This will leave man coverage in the secondary. But you got to have a good o-line in order to this and you have to have wrs that can get separation. You remember the Steven Jackson days where our offense could run the ball, but we were just too predictable. We didn't have a very good o-line or wrs. SJ39 did get his yards, but he was stuffed a lot at the LOS and our qbs were often injured trying to pass when the defense was constantly blitzing. We were just too predictable.

Right now our offense has a lot going for it. :nod: We have guys that have experience now. Jake Long, Scott Wells, Rodger Saffold, Joe Barksdale, Jared Cook, Tavon Austin, Chris Givens, Zach Stacy all should do better this year, all having experience playing together. Throw in a veteran Kenny Britt + our rookie class! Hell, maybe we will even see something in Brian Quick this year? Well maybe not...? and lets just hope your boy Sammy shows us something!! Can he lead this team? Will a run game help him? If it doesn't.... well you know the tale here. :L


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Thanks on the OP comment!

Aren't you old like me? :noidea:

..... here's one for ya

You know you're getting older when...

Everything that works hurts, and what doesn't hurt doesn't work.

You feel like the morning after, and you haven't been anywhere.

Your little black book only contains names ending in M.D.

Your children are beginning to look middle-aged.

Your mind makes contracts your body can't keep.

You look forward to a dull evening.

Your knees buckle and your belt won't.

Your back goes out more than you do.

You sink your teeth into a steak, and they stay there.

You know all the answers, but nobody asks the questions.


Animale rurale
Apr 18, 2013
The Ozarks
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Great post zeke. Since I just turned 53 on the 10th {a mere baby too some] I would like to add a few of my observations on aging. It started really hitting when even in causal situations I am called Sir. At first I kept looking around for my dad. When I put a new roof on my house I was given a 30 year warranty. My first thought was will I be around in 30 years. That's an eye opener! I think before I jump now. Extremes of the weather hot and cold bother me now. But I guess it really kicked in when I started hearing those great tunes of my reckless youth being piped in on elevator's. I knew then the meaning of the term over the hill. :lol: :suds:


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2013
Rochester, NY
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Great post zeke. Since I just turned 53 on the 10th {a mere baby too some] I would like to add a few of my observations on aging. It started really hitting when even in causal situations I am called Sir. At first I kept looking around for my dad. When I put a new roof on my house I was given a 30 year warranty. My first thought was will I be around in 30 years. That's an eye opener! I think before I jump now. Extremes of the weather hot and cold bother me now. But I guess it really kicked in when I started hearing those great tunes of my reckless youth being piped in on elevator's. I knew then the meaning of the term over the hill. :lol: :suds:

I'm 44 and the "sir" thing bugs me too. I was thinking similarly about my mortgage, lol.