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Remember this guy?


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Jun 26, 2014
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Hoopla Cash
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You working late, Retro? Lakers-Celtics tonight!!!!


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
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would it surprise me is he was a bust?? Yeah it would - the kid is just a freak athlete. Even if he's a step slower, he is still faster than any DE out there. What did he run last year KSU? I think it was a 4.49 40??!!


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
Hoopla Cash
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He might be a freak athlete SJ76 and have all all the tools but according to the chatter, he takes large portions of the game off and gets himself in trouble physically which leads to injuries. Houston is so fed-up, there are rumblings he'll be gone in a couple of months. Whether this is truth or a lot of hype remains to be witnessed. There are a lot of problems between the ears with this guy apparently. We shall see how it all plays out.


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Apr 18, 2013
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Jadeveon Clowney still feeling discomfort in knee - NFL.com

Jadeveon Clowney was ill this weekend. But that wasn't the only thing that kept the first overall pick out of the lineup in Week 9.

"It was pretty much both, the knee and I was sick," Clowney revealed on Wednesday, according to the Houston Chronicle. "I was out. I didn't get to practice at the end of the week. I was at home sick.

"I don't know what I had, but it wasn't good. I'm feeling better. The knee is getting better."

Clowney has appeared in just one game since undergoing surgery to repair a torn meniscus in his knee after Week 1. He admitted Wednesday he still feels discomfort when he moves laterally.

"There are certain things going on with my knee still," he said. "I'm not able to do the things I want to do. It's just not where it needs to be right now. We're taking a step back and trying to get it to where we need it be so I can play."

This is beginning to look like an ailment that will plague Clowney for the balance of his rookie season. It also puts the Texans in a predicament: They want their prized rookie to continue his development on the field, but they also must be wary of any long-term effects of playing him at less than 100 percent.

Perhaps Clowney will be fully recovered in a few weeks. But it's also possible that the rookie gets shut down if Houston falls out of the playoff picture entirely.

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This guy is going to be a serious bust

I tore my left meniscus when i was 16 in a car accident and it took maybe four weeks to heal and my leg muscle was all but gone and i had to do eight weeks of therapy,he being out there so soon is not that good imo.