3-2 back in it but the Wings need to be a little tougher.
SLY!!!!!!!! How ya doin?!!!!!!
Between being a dad, my new job and school... I'm friggin' shot, lol. I've barely watched any hockey this season.
How've you been bro?
Let's put it this way: The Wings aren't playing very well lately, similar to how the Bruins aren't showing up for their games either.
So Schlegs, is it a far drive to go to Wings home games; ie you near Detroit?
I thought maybe the Wings could get back into this one. Took an injured Boston team for granted and paid for-it.
Good win, congrats Bruins Fans.
Been better. Working a lot, and impaling my wrist while I'm at it (happened the day before Thanksgiving and still having problems with it). New car (Altima with just over 12K on it). Things could be worse, I'm not complaining. You still have my number?
Why does it seem that when we play teams who have been struggling, we tend to light their lamp and get them going to be able to play at another level than they've been accustomed to playing before they match up against us?