Viva El Gordo!
we all lose with this crap
I love it, Zig!

Not sure what that thing is, actually, but it's pretty cool.
we all lose with this crap
Yeah...silly me for using things like inflation rates and unemployment rates to measure the state of the economy...
~ from the "take back america from wall street and hand it back to main street" crowd
I looked it up, that's what made me make that statement, cause I honestly wasn't sure
More HRs and RBIs for guys paid to do exactly that, and Arod has a substantial edge in HRs
Virtually the same BA
Small edge in slugging for Manny
Makes, zero sense...
GWB blatantly used God to excuse a lot of his politics... This is fact, not opinion.
flying pig
It's 100% debateable
both 19 years
Arod 300 384 560 945 647 1950
Many 312 411 585 996 555 1831
Less people have jobs today than did in January 2009.
How is the economy better?
Because the stock market is up?
it's up because there is ZERO reason to keep cash in a bank at .5% interest
I'll let you know as soon as I start giving a fuck about unsubstantiated and sensationalized non-stories designed to bash a guy on his way out of town.
the economy has gotten tremendously better under his administration
denying that is simply stupidity
is it his directly doing? no...but it did happen under his watch...with help from policies implemented.
is it back to where it could be? no way...but to say it hasnt improved is stupid
i see it in my job
And just shy of 1,500 more plate appearances for ARod..
Yet only 92 more HRs and 79 RBI...
Because ARod has played a lot longer than Manny. Of course he's going to have more raw stats...
Here's Manny... BA, OBP, SLG, OPS, OPS+
.312, .411, .585, .996, 154
Here's ARod...
.300, .384, .560, .945, 143
Do explain, how ARod was a better hitter, when, literally, every normalized statistic says otherwise...
Thanks, drive through..
As a moral make it sound as if he was trying to bring about shariah law in the US...
I didn't completely agree with his "faith based initiatives" either, and have listed the things I really didn't like about his tenure...
They pale in comparison to the abortion this administration has become.
And if Bush was POTUS while the IRS was targeting planned parenthood, Acorn etc...?
He'd have been fucking lynched by the mob mentality of the left...
Hypocrites...if he pretends he supports your narrow agendas, you idiots will defend them with your last breaths. This goes for both sides.....
What part of "too" isn't saying it's partially bush's fault!?!
did you really just say the economy got "tremendously better" under this administration?