Little risky tho....He did have 29 RBI's, and is now being replaced by a combo of Moreland and Swihart...Its not like they got rid of a "clearly" washed up player, Im not sure it showed that he was just that yet
Yeah, but flipside is they know for sure now that $22M is off their books for next year. Ramirez had 1 year out of 3 that was worth what they were paying him, and he's 34, not an age after which that hitters tend to get better.
They know they need another bat, I fully expect them to go get one, with the knowledge that they have a little more $$ to spend next year than they would have.
I fully expect them to target an OF, i cant imagine they just keep trotting JBJ out there, as much as I hope they do
Right now, they're getting no real offense out of CF or C. I guess Moreland's the everyday 1B now, and he's having a nice season so far, but his history suggests it won't last.
Dombrowski has his work cut out for him.
Heard it was Cora's decision and not Dombrowski's... Which I am having a hard believing
Its exactly what they will say to deflect from it being about the plate appearance clause
What kind of a clubhouse would it have been with him on the bench, clearly there to prevent him from getting enough plate appearances?
Nah, Sox did what they had to do. There was no real alternative.