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Really wish I cared about the NFL


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Apr 16, 2013
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You don't need the Sunday Ticket. Just get the Red Zone channel. So much better than Ticket and soooo much cheaper....

...and make damn sure you call Direct TV before the season starts and tell them you don't want the Sunday Ticket or they will give it to you anyway and charge you for it and then you will be on the phone for hours talking to every moron up there until you finally get the head moron who might or might not stop charging you for it.


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Apr 16, 2013
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I was an Oilers fan and kept up with them a couple of years until after the Superbowl (as Tennessee) when they were a yard short. Since then I lost interest. My wife loves the Cowboys and that's who we watch on Sundays...But they have sucked for over a decade now. I've been trying to keep up with Houston and Dallas but tend to get bored easy. I get free tickets to Jerry World from work and usually just give them away to people out in the plant that I think are doing good work.

My biggest three reasons that I am starting to hate the NFL
1. Cletus the Robot, who is now involved with college games.
2. NFL force feeding an American sport to Europe. Let's make every dime we can.
3. All these overpaid players that shoot up strip clubs and shit. When I was a kid, even OJ Simpson was a role model...

Since Pacman Jones, when was the last time #3 happened?


Go Home Run Heels!
Apr 16, 2013
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NFL football is entertaining, no doubt. But for me nothing equals the excitement that CFB brings.

From the ChikFil-A kickoff to the many bowls I love every game. Nothing beats the tradition of CFB. The rivalries, the bowl games and everything in between makes for the best entertainment in the world. I even like the GodDaddy.com Bowl because the smaller schools have a rivalry in that game. I strongly disagree that bowl games are meaningless or just exhibition games.

Bowl games are and always have been a reward for a team having at least a .500 season. There is no sport like it and no other sport can compete in my opinion.

Probably the next best is the NBA playoffs followed by the CBB tournament. The Superbowl and WS are good, too, but they both just seem to have lost some of their luster over the years. Still love to watch them, though, not knocking them. But the baseball season is way too long. Starting in April/May and lasting until November is just too much baseball for me.

College baseball is my latest love. Season is not too long, the competition is fierce and the rivalries are all still there.

And may UNC beat NC State again ...and again ...and again! :suds:


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I agree with the guy who was talking about fantasy football. I think it ruins sports. I like watching the NFL. I just think that it is a better product, although I still do enjoy the college game a lot. Just think the NFL is better. But Fantasy football is terrible. People stopped watching the games, and look at their phones to keep track. You go to a bar and see a guy wearing a 49ers jersey, cheering for Lynch to score TD's. My friend was pissed when his favorite team (Lions) scored a TD because they didn't throw to Calvin Johnson. What is happening? fantasy football is terrible. I am a 49ers fan. Fuck all the other teams. I don't want them to win or have any success ever.


Aces & eights
Apr 18, 2010
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I can understand why Sooner and Bammer fans would not like the NFL. Your states do not have a NFL team. Your choices are only college sports, b/c you have nothing to cheer for on the professional level. I'm sure many Oklahomans didn't give two shits about the NBA either, until the Thunder came to OKC. Perhaps someday the NFL will expand in OK and AL and you people will understand what it means to be a Cowboys, Browns, Aints, Falcons, Packers, etc, etc fan.....

You don't what the hell you're talking about. In Oklahoma you have two types of NFL fans: those that like the Dallas Cowboys and those that don't. I am a Sooner alum but I grew up in Kansas a Chiefs fan back in the day. But since the mid-80's the NFL has just lost its appeal to me and it got worse during the '90s. Some of this I blame on the over analyzing every nuance of the game by the Sunday morning shows but for the most part the NFL just became one long commercial with a game interspersed in between occasionally.


Go Bucks!
Aug 2, 2011
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The NFL has become nothing more than the Arena League on steroids. The game is simply played on a bigger field with a bit better breed of athlete. A game in which the QB sits back in the pocket in his indefensible Pope Mobile looking to strike down targets that DBs can no longer touch.

The NFL has been absolutely ruined by Fantasy Football geeks that look for nothing more than how their 1st round "stud" has done for the day, or that their "sleeper" pick they got in the 10th round can prove how brilliant they are.

The regular season in the NFL is rather meaningless. When 9-7 teams can make it to the Super Bowl and 10-6 teams can win it all as a Wild Card, what is the point of the regular season other than to swindle fans out of their money?

In college football we see a great number of new names and faces each and every year. Guys that nobody even heard of before the season started go on to win the MVP (Heisman) in Johnny Manziel, and 1st year heralded starters like Jameis Winston.

In college football, we can all root for the local boy done good that is playing for the home town team for nothing more than an education and a chance. The NFL? Paid professionals playing for a paycheck largely on teams and cities they could really give two fucks about. Better players? Sure. Better and more interesting product? No.


UNA Lion

Roar Lions & Roll Tide!
Jul 5, 2013
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In college football, we can all root for the local boy done good that is playing for the home town team for nothing more than an education and a chance. The NFL? Paid professionals playing for a paycheck largely on teams and cities they could really give two fucks about. Better players? Sure. Better and more interesting product? No.

Worth repeating.


Till We Can't Be Beat. WON'T. BE. BEAT.
Jan 9, 2010
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The NFL has been absolutely ruined by Fantasy Football geeks

I'm not saying I'm not putting this grouping of words in a vacuum and nailing you to the wall with them, but that's exactly what I'm doing.

You are so outrageously wrong, sir.


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Apr 17, 2013
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If you really don't care about the NFL, and you really wish you did:

Start playing fantasy football. You will start caring.


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Apr 17, 2013
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So far almost everyone who has agreed with op has been from Oklahoma, Alabama, or Nebraska.

All states with no NFL teams. Hmmmmm....


Till We Can't Be Beat. WON'T. BE. BEAT.
Jan 9, 2010
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If you really don't care about the NFL, and you really wish you did:

Start playing fantasy football. You will start caring.

Said every disgruntled-on-a-Sunday girlfriend ever.

UNA Lion

Roar Lions & Roll Tide!
Jul 5, 2013
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So far almost everyone who has agreed with op has been from Oklahoma, Alabama, or Nebraska.

All states with no NFL teams. Hmmmmm....
Don't states without NFL teams outnumber those with them?

If that's the case, then wouldn't it be smart for the NFL to expand to more states, gain more fans, and thus generate more revenue?

Wild Turkey

Sarcasm: Just one of my many services.
May 21, 2013
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So far almost everyone who has agreed with op has been from Oklahoma, Alabama, or Nebraska.

All states with no NFL teams. Hmmmmm....

It does have a lot to do with your culture, how you were raised and what you friends and family care about in regards to football. That's natural same with states that prefer basketball over football it's really amounts to what is important within your sphere of influences.

Doesn't make one right or wrong.


Who is Mike Riley?
Jan 10, 2010
Lincoln NE
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I like college much more than the NFL. I can watch almost any college game going on and have interest in it due to rivalry and tradition. For the NFL I can only watch the 49ers or the superbowl, otherwise I don't care for it.


Apr 17, 2013
Detroit area
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Don't states without NFL teams outnumber those with them?

If that's the case, then wouldn't it be smart for the NFL to expand to more states, gain more fans, and thus generate more revenue?

No...the states without NFL teams are lower population areas...these remote areas don't warrant NFL franchise investment. Look at the following list of US states ranked by population and you will see that the top 22 states in population already contain all the NFL franchises with the exception of state #25 in population (Louisiana). Yes, Virginia (#12 in population) does count because of the District of Columbia.

List of U.S. states and territories by population - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also note that those top 22 states in population all boast over 5 million residents, whereas states #23 thru #50 all have populations under 5 million.

Alabama is really close at 4.8 million, and thus would pretty much be the only other state which could possibly justify a millionaire spending money to invest in an NFL franchise there. Perhaps one day the Jaguars will move from Jacksonville to Birmingham...but...if the Jaguars do eventually move, my guess would be to Los Angeles (California Cougars???)


Apr 17, 2013
Detroit area
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.......additional note:

Doing a quick/rough addition.....the top 22 states in population (the NFL states) contain approx 250 million people.....out of a total of almost 314 million for the entire US.


I AM the liquor
Dec 19, 2009
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It does have a lot to do with your culture, how you were raised and what you friends and family care about in regards to football. That's natural same with states that prefer basketball over football it's really amounts to what is important within your sphere of influences.

Doesn't make one right or wrong.

Evetyone in my family is an nfl nut, like I used to be. I am the only one that puts cfb over the nfl. My dads the next closest, but only because I went to tU, likely. He was an osu fan before that :lol:

And......my state has multiple nfl teams.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2013
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It does have a lot to do with your culture, how you were raised and what you friends and family care about in regards to football. That's natural same with states that prefer basketball over football it's really amounts to what is important within your sphere of influences.

Doesn't make one right or wrong.
No if you prefer basketball over football then you are wrong.

Lance Armstrong

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Actually i think College football is losing its appeal, with conference mix ups and bad way of determining a champion. Oklahoma/nebraska, West virginia/pitt, Texas/aTm, aTm/Ttech, kansas/mizzou, colorado/nebraska all dead rivalries. College football is still good, but lets be honest its clearly just the minor league system for the NFL.