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Really wish I cared about the NFL


Half Woke Member
Jul 3, 2013
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The NFL has become nothing more than the Arena League on steroids. The game is simply played on a bigger field with a bit better breed of athlete. A game in which the QB sits back in the pocket in his indefensible Pope Mobile looking to strike down targets that DBs can no longer touch.

The NFL has been absolutely ruined by Fantasy Football geeks that look for nothing more than how their 1st round "stud" has done for the day, or that their "sleeper" pick they got in the 10th round can prove how brilliant they are.

The regular season in the NFL is rather meaningless. When 9-7 teams can make it to the Super Bowl and 10-6 teams can win it all as a Wild Card, what is the point of the regular season other than to swindle fans out of their money?

In college football we see a great number of new names and faces each and every year. Guys that nobody even heard of before the season started go on to win the MVP (Heisman) in Johnny Manziel, and 1st year heralded starters like Jameis Winston.

In college football, we can all root for the local boy done good that is playing for the home town team for nothing more than an education and a chance. The NFL? Paid professionals playing for a paycheck largely on teams and cities they could really give two fucks about. Better players? Sure. Better and more interesting product? No.

Local boy makes good playing for good ole Home Town U. huh ? Lol If you think CFB players are any less hired hands than NFL players, you're truly delusional. But I guess that's a pre-req for buying into all of that rah-rah crap. The NFL regular season allows us to watch the best players in the world playing against each other. For those of us who watch the game for the pure enjoyment of watching the best in the world play the game against each other that's enough. If you want an example of pure fan thievery just take a look at the mockery that passes for a non-conference schedule of any big program. Boy that's really some fun stuff, eh ? Or how about all of those Who Gives A Shit Bowls that litter the airwaves every December ? Take the college connection and all of it's rah-rah nonsense out of the mix and you have minor league baseball. Better product my ass.

Wild Turkey

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May 21, 2013
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The "rah-rah nonsense" is exactly what we (or at least I love) about college football. If that's wrong I don't want to be right.


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Jul 12, 2013
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So it would be better to have a shitload of 8-8 teams, a few 9-7 teams and a. Few 7-9 teams? Then figure out some mystical way to pick out the best half to put into the playoffs? Oh, for joy, 2 whole seasons in one! One meaningful, and one not so much. That seems to be the nfls goal.

LOL Seems pretty clear to me that the NFL's goal is to make its owners as rich as possible. Not really so different from the objectives of the athletics departments at Alabama, Texas, USC, etc., is it? A big difference, however, is that NFL teams have to prove that they are worthy of earning a shot in the big game each week throughout the entire season. No Little Sisters of the Poor on an NFL schedule.

I happen to love college football, but I don't have to run down the NFL by spouting nonsense in order to prop it up.


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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The regular season is what makes college football the best. The fact that every game matters, the fact that every game is do or die. The emotional attachment to every game thats what I love about college football. Face it the NFL playoffs are entertaining but the regular season is as boring as it gets.


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Apr 16, 2013
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LOL Seems pretty clear to me that the NFL's goal is to make its owners as rich as possible. Not really so different from the objectives of the athletics departments at Alabama, Texas, USC, etc., is it? A big difference, however, is that NFL teams have to prove that they are worthy of earning a shot in the big game each week throughout the entire season. No Little Sisters of the Poor on an NFL schedule.

I happen to love college football, but I don't have to run down the NFL by spouting nonsense in order to prop it up.

You said it all..I have nothing to add:agree::10::suds:


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The regular season is what makes college football the best. The fact that every game matters, the fact that every game is do or die. The emotional attachment to every game thats what I love about college football. Face it the NFL playoffs are entertaining but the regular season is as boring as it gets.

Nfl regular season boring?:laugh3::laugh3:


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The regular season is what makes college football the best. The fact that every game matters, the fact that every game is do or die. The emotional attachment to every game thats what I love about college football. Face it the NFL playoffs are entertaining but the regular season is as boring as it gets.

LMAO Those big games between, say Florida State and Bethune-Cookman are so compelling!


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absolutely the playoff are entertaining but the regular season is boring. :nod: :nod:

I respectfully disagree. Let's be honest now. Halfway into the college season, you're lucky if you have 8 teams that can possibly play in the championship so therefore by week 7 or 8, there's usually only 6 or 7 games that would be considered meaningful when it comes to teams playing for the national title


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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LMAO Those big games between, say Florida State and Bethune-Cookman are so compelling!

That game could have meaning tho. because if Bethune Cookman pulls off an upset florida states national title hopes are done. Where as if the Broncos would have lost to the Raiders in week 17 they still would have been in the playoffs. and still had a chance to get to the super bowl


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I respectfully disagree. Let's be honest now. Halfway into the college season, you're lucky if you have 8 teams that can possibly play in the championship so therefore by week 7 or 8, there's usually only 6 or 7 games that would be considered meaningful when it comes to teams playing for the national title

Well u got ur opinion and I have mine neither of us are wrong it is just our personal preference. Part of my thinking of Regular season being boring is probably because in Alabama we only get boring ass Falcons and Buccaneers games. And even the most die hard NFL fans dont wanna watch that shit. :laugh3:

The Derski

No Fat Chicks
Jul 11, 2013
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The NFL has become nothing more than the Arena League on steroids. The game is simply played on a bigger field with a bit better breed of athlete. A game in which the QB sits back in the pocket in his indefensible Pope Mobile looking to strike down targets that DBs can no longer touch.

The NFL has been absolutely ruined by Fantasy Football geeks that look for nothing more than how their 1st round "stud" has done for the day, or that their "sleeper" pick they got in the 10th round can prove how brilliant they are.

The regular season in the NFL is rather meaningless. When 9-7 teams can make it to the Super Bowl and 10-6 teams can win it all as a Wild Card, what is the point of the regular season other than to swindle fans out of their money?

In college football we see a great number of new names and faces each and every year. Guys that nobody even heard of before the season started go on to win the MVP (Heisman) in Johnny Manziel, and 1st year heralded starters like Jameis Winston.

In college football, we can all root for the local boy done good that is playing for the home town team for nothing more than an education and a chance. The NFL? Paid professionals playing for a paycheck largely on teams and cities they could really give two fucks about. Better players? Sure. Better and more interesting product? No.

I don't see how other people playing fantasy football ruins your enjoyment of the game. They have no impact on what actually happens on the field.


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Jul 12, 2013
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yea just like the broncos (12-3) vs raiders (4-11) in week 17.

You really think that's analogous? I don't. NFL teams, unlike top college teams, don't have the luxury of playing half their regular season schedules against teams that have little chance of even competing.

Like I posted before, I love college football, but I don't understand the need to try and discredit the pro game in order to prop up college ball.


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Apr 16, 2013
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Well u got ur opinion and I have mine neither of us are wrong it is just our personal preference. Part of my thinking of Regular season being boring is probably because in Alabama we only get boring ass Falcons and Buccaneers games. And even the most die hard NFL fans dont wanna watch that shit. :laugh3:

If you had the redzone channel you would never call the regular season boring. I would have thought the season was boring if all I had to watch were giants and jets games this season but I keep my tv on redzone every Sunday from 1-730


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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If you had the redzone channel you would never call the regular season boring. I would have thought the season was boring if all I had to watch were giants and jets games this season but I keep my tv on redzone every Sunday from 1-730

I thought about getting Directtv Sunday Ticket but they wanna charge me my left nut for it. I wish the NFL would do its programming like College Football and broadcast more games on more channels on Sunday.


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Jul 2, 2013
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I don't watch the NFL any more. Lost all interest in it.

I understand the OP completely

I can understand why Sooner and Bammer fans would not like the NFL. Your states do not have a NFL team. Your choices are only college sports, b/c you have nothing to cheer for on the professional level. I'm sure many Oklahomans didn't give two shits about the NBA either, until the Thunder came to OKC. Perhaps someday the NFL will expand in OK and AL and you people will understand what it means to be a Cowboys, Browns, Aints, Falcons, Packers, etc, etc fan.....
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Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2013
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I thought about getting Directtv Sunday Ticket but they wanna charge me my left nut for it. I wish the NFL would do its programming like College Football and broadcast more games on more channels on Sunday.

You don't need the Sunday Ticket. Just get the Red Zone channel. So much better than Ticket and soooo much cheaper....


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I was an Oilers fan and kept up with them a couple of years until after the Superbowl (as Tennessee) when they were a yard short. Since then I lost interest. My wife loves the Cowboys and that's who we watch on Sundays...But they have sucked for over a decade now. I've been trying to keep up with Houston and Dallas but tend to get bored easy. I get free tickets to Jerry World from work and usually just give them away to people out in the plant that I think are doing good work.

My biggest three reasons that I am starting to hate the NFL
1. Cletus the Robot, who is now involved with college games.
2. NFL force feeding an American sport to Europe. Let's make every dime we can.
3. All these overpaid players that shoot up strip clubs and shit. When I was a kid, even OJ Simpson was a role model...