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Quick analysis


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2013
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Once again we started hot as a team and went down and scored two TD's on a top 3 defense, and we made it look easy. We definitely came out swinging. Schotty was digging deep into his playbook giving the 9er’s different formations that gave them fits. Davis got into an early rhythm that really helped him and his teammates. Mason saw some action and showed he can be a playmaker out of the backfield. He still needs some work on blocking out of the backfield but when he can learn the system he’ll be a good back. Our Line was getting good push and keeping Justin Smith at bay with the beast Greg Robinson. And I liked how Schotty was getting TA involved early with some sweeps and running plays. He ran the ball up the middle AGAIN, twice! But luckily he didn’t get his block knocked off.
Then the offensive PI came and our entire team just fell out of sync and the rest is history.

One thing that I’ve noticed about Davis is he’s a streaky passer. He gets on rolls, gets hot and then he seems to go cold. In his defense it was his first prime-time game at home and he probably was a little nervous. Up until half time he was 11 of 14 and 1 TD. I don’t care who you are. That’s damn good. Like Manning/Brady good and against a top Defense. Then as we know the wheels came off in the 2nd half. He was running for his life started getting sacked on a regular basis and started to make some bad decisions. He did complete some nice throws in the 2nd half but it wasn't enough. Not to mention our WR’s started dropping balls again…We’ll get into that later.

I like the 4 pronged approach we took to this game. Using all 4 of our RB’s keeping the 9er’s off balance. Stacy and Cunningham looked good getting some hard yards after contact and Cunningham had a nice TD run for our first score. Mason looked sharp and decisive running through the holes and you could see that burst that helped him break all of Bo Jacksons records.
Tavon had a couple of nice runs as well; I only wish that we could have used that more in the game. For some reason we got away from the run in the 2nd half and it didn’t help our cause, making us one dimensional.

Cook came to play in this game and that was apparent with his first catch. He disappeared a little until the 2nd quarter then caught a nice ball and shrugged off a defender and ran for another 20 yards. Only to be called back by a horrific PI call that even 49’er fans were laughing about. After that he completely disappeared from the game. Dropping two passes later on that could have resulted in 1st downs. Kendricks had an awesome TD pass reception off a PA pass that was beautifully executed. That was a “special” play that gets ran when the 49ers are in a specific coverage and it worked to perfection. Kendricks did however play awfully in pass pro. He got beat like a drum all night and it’s usually something he excels at. I’m not sure if he was just outmatched or he just had a bad day. One thing is for certain, Davis wasn’t happy about it.

Where in the world is Brian Quick? Hello………? Anybody? He not only completely disappeared from this game he had the type of game that we all remember and were on the verge of calling him a bust. From running wrong routes to not finishing plays he turned into a shell of his former self. However, I will not take anything away from San Frans defense. They definitely game planned to take Quick out of the game. But great WR’s find ways to get the ball.
Brit had a couple of nice grabs that were noteworthy but hasn’t been that consistent of a target we’d all wish him to be. Especially when teams game plan to take your #1 WR out of the game. It should open things up for your #2
Bailey? Does he still play for the Rams?
Tavon? Is he a WR? Lol

Well I saved the best for last.
Why oh why can’t this unit get their shit together? They played an ok first half but only because SF was caught a little off guard. Then SF started blitzing and our Oline crumbled like the walls of Jericho. From missing assignments to whiffing on LB’s in open space this unit is not what we all thought it would be. A pleasant surprise is Robinson played pretty well. But that’s about it. Long, and Wells both had issues with their men. Constantly getting beat with speed rushers and letting our QB get hammed again and again. It’s not pretty. Soon Davis will be injured and we’ll be back with Shawn Hill…yaay.
This partially a coaching issue tho and I’ll get into that later.


Run support was actually very good for this game. We held Gore and co. at bay and didn’t’ seem to give up any big runs. We almost gave up a huge pass play to Gore that was pathetic but luckily he was out of bounds.
Pass rush? Where are you? #LackCity. Says it all. At least we hold another record.

I’m really questioning this group at the moment. Sure Dunbar had a couple of nice run stuffs and JL55 was there for a fumble recovery but where is all of this speed we’re supposed to see our of this group? Olgeltree got torched by Kaep where he was supposed to be spying him in the middle of the field. It was simply awful. I’m not sure whether or not they know their roll within this defense.

Joyner had a couple of nice pass breakups seems like he’s starting to gel. Jenkins once again got burned on a pathetic double move by a 35 year old WR, just pathetic. Gains was quiet for most of the night. This whole unit was bad in pass coverage. I don’t know what else to say about them. They often looked lost and out of position. COACHING.

ST’s was ok.

All I’m going to say…….Whats the number 1 thing to slow down a blitzing team? Screen passes……Did we throw one in the second half? That says it all.
All out blitz on Defense on 3rd and short when Kaep is notorious for burning defenses that blitz. and to top it off, right before the half? That also says it all.

If we keep shooting ourselves in the foot this year I don’t expect some of these coaches to be here next year. Then again…It is the Rams.


9er hater
Jul 11, 2013
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Hoopla Cash
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To me it all comes down to coaching. This O-line should be in the top ten with what it has cost the Rams. I don't think they are being coached properly. Same story with the defense. The Rams D was better last season but not much. Notice how the players names will change from one season into the next but the teams performance never changes. They could replace every player on that team and one would swear they were still watching the same team. The only constant on the field and in the locker room is Fisher and his 1990's playbook.


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Apr 22, 2013
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It's nice to see everyone expressing their true feelings towards this organization instead of getting on me for doing so. I like it!!!!!
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Jul 12, 2013
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Well whatever it is. We can't seem to get out of our own way. We find ways to lose.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2013
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I agree Jacob, we don't have an answer for the blitz. All a team has to do is blitz us and we will cave. Shotty doesn't get it. We need a good blocking FB instead of 2 TE's that cant block.


What Me Worry?
Jun 25, 2014
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The Rams have a good young QB and lots of positives to build on.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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It's nice to see everyone expressing their true feelings towards this organization instead of getting on me for doing so. I like it!!!!!

Nice avi.... that's actually the funniest thing I've seen all day!


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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The Rams have a good young QB and lots of positives to build on.

you're right. But when players constantly regress under this coaching regime you start to question everything.

We have tons of talent. It's just not being used correctly.

Couple of examples.....

Do you think Robinson should have been held out until last night? Simple answer is no. I think the oline will be better now but it's going to take two or three weeks to get there. Olines need time to gel and get familiar with whos next to them.

Tavon...I promise you, if he was on the eagles or saints he would be exploding.

Jenoris Jenkins. He keeps on biting on that double move. ALWAYS. You think they would have that fixed by now don't you?

I'll make a prediction now.

Gains will be worse next year.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2013
Rochester, NY
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I agree Jacob, we don't have an answer for the blitz. All a team has to do is blitz us and we will cave. Shotty doesn't get it. We need a good blocking FB instead of 2 TE's that cant block.

If you're going to use TEs that can't block, get them out in routes so that the team risks more by blitzing. It doesn't seem like it should be a difficult concept really.


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I agree Shop. It seems like the Rams did nothing against the blitzes to counter what SF was doing.

Quick Screens. Zero
Slants. Zero
Draw plays. One! Just one!

that is play calling. It could also be WR's not adjusting to what SF is doing. Which is also on coaching.