Till We Can't Be Beat. WON'T. BE. BEAT.
I'm still not banned for calling this a mockery of a sports message board?
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE you guys. Every one of you, but the rest of this site is putrid trash that reads like a site called 4chan, which is where crazy people post before shooting up schools and shit.
Like god damn just let me talk some shit and own some kids who's cfb knowledge is clearly suspect.
I may act dumb, but (and I don't mean to sound narcissistic here) but I know as much about college football as anyone on this site, if not more. Like to an autistic savant level almost LOL.
My main point is this site is going down the drain and we either find a way to band together, or we ALL leave for another site.
I'm not going Jerry Maguire, like a "WHO'S WITH ME?!!??" Moment, but god damnit something has to change now or I'm just about fed up.
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE you guys. Every one of you, but the rest of this site is putrid trash that reads like a site called 4chan, which is where crazy people post before shooting up schools and shit.
Like god damn just let me talk some shit and own some kids who's cfb knowledge is clearly suspect.
I may act dumb, but (and I don't mean to sound narcissistic here) but I know as much about college football as anyone on this site, if not more. Like to an autistic savant level almost LOL.
My main point is this site is going down the drain and we either find a way to band together, or we ALL leave for another site.
I'm not going Jerry Maguire, like a "WHO'S WITH ME?!!??" Moment, but god damnit something has to change now or I'm just about fed up.
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