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Post Peyton


Broncos Fanatic
Apr 18, 2013
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This is the most god-awful time of year. FA, draft and OTA's are over. We're all waiting for camp to start, so I thought I would throw a topic out there that is rarely discussed. I was watching some Peyton highlights from last year and after seeing him selected as the number 1 player in the NFL's top 100, I was reminded that this run won't go on much longer. I think we get a couple more years from Manning but the reality is that it will be coming to an end sooner than later.

I'm curious about where the Broncos will be in 2016, 2017 and beyond. The front office has been quite vocally consistent and resolute in their belief of Brock Osweiller as the heir apparent. We've got a lot of young, core players that will help the Broncos remain contenders, even after Peyton retires but the QB position drives the bus.

Reports are that OZ has the skills and has progressed in his time on the bench behind Manning. Not sure if we'll even make it beyond his rookie contract with Manning under center, so who knows where we go from there. The preseason is the only time that we get to see Brock lead the offense but it's not a very realistic audition regarding his preparation to be a legitimate NFL starting quarterback. My intuition tells me that the Broncos may make a shift at QB when the dreaded "no Manning" era begins. Hopefully, timing is right for the Broncos to be in a position to have some good options but I worry about our ability to get there with the strength of the team we're fielding now. Typically, the good teams have little shot at the great college prospects that come out.

How does the rest of Broncos country feel about the long term future of our team (3-5 years)? Is anyone out there sold on Brock Osweiller or are there any other bold predictions out there? One thing seems to be clear: John Elway has done one hell of a job in restoring the franchise to relevancy and he talks about the future as though he's got a plan. I'm leaning toward trusting the Elway led front office with our future but know that it's easier said than done to go from a franchise QB like Peyton Manning to a change and maintain a winning culture.

Sorry to veer off course of the upcoming season but this topic is of great interest to me. When it comes to the Broncos, I trust in the opinions of many on this site, so please share your thoughts with me. Minimally, it gives us something new to talk about until camp starts in two weeks. Go Broncos!



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I can't really say much about this other than we might find some comfort in knowing that Elway is presumably well aware of the team's precipitous drop off after he retired as a player. Of course that doesn't mean that Elway can just go out and get another PM in a year or two, but I'm pretty sure that he will at least recognize the value of finding a quality replacement and do what he can.


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Sep 16, 2013
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I am not worried, honestly. People are expecting the Broncos to fall off the map for several seasons beginning with the first year after Manning retires. It's impossible to say what will happen because as of now we don't even know what year this will be. My guess is the Broncos will definitely suffer a drop off in that initial season, but I don't see them being down for long. Not with the way Elway runs this team.

I'm willing to predict the Broncos miss the playoffs in their first season post-Manning, but are right back in it the very next year. And if some of the young talent we have on defense is just hitting the prime of their careers, the Broncos may be in good shape either way.

Chargers, Chiefs, and Raiders fans are eagerly counting down the days until Manning retires because they know they don't have a fighting chance to win the division until he's gone. They're going to be disappointed when the post-Manning Broncos are still contenders in the division.

The best part about all of this? As recently as 2010 rival fans as well as NFL "experts" predicted the Broncos would be in disarray for the "foreseeable future." The Broncos have only posted 3 consecutive division titles since those predictions. Nice.:suds:


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Apr 21, 2013
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At this point I would not be surprised to see anything happen when Manning retires. Something tells me we let Brock walk away unless he proves a lot before that rookie contract expires. I am not sure we can pay him what he might be looking for and another team could start him immediately rather than wait for Manning to go. I am sure Elway is aware of the situation and has several plans in place.

I would not be surprised to see us grab a QB late in the first or dropping back to the second round the draft before Manning's last season. Someone that has raw skills but could use another year or two learning.

Ideally, I am hoping for a Favre/Rodgers situation where we will have our next QB ready to step up with little drop off.


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Jul 17, 2013
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My thoughts on the situation. First off on the status of the team. ESPN just came out with their "Future Power Rankings" for the NFL and Denver rated 4th in the NFL and 1st in the AFC. These are figured out based on a few criteria such as Draft, Front Office, coaching, and overall roster especially geared towards the young guys. As much as people keep wanting the Broncos to spiral out of control after Manning retires there are plenty of young guys on the roster right now that are top-3 at their position. The Broncos are just now getting ready to hit the prime for guys like Clady, Miller, D. Thomas, J. Thomas, Vasquez, and Trevathon. All of those guys show great promise moving forward with plenty of role players as well with high potential in Williams, Roby, Wolfe, Jackson, and many others. Throw in most rosters in about a 3-4 year period have over half their roster turn over so trying to predict top teams moving forward is very difficult. Quarterback is about the only position if you can find a good one that can really determine say 5 years and beyond where your team will be which is why teams like Green Bay, Indy, and Seattle look like they have promise moving forward.

Now about the quarterback position. I am definitely torn of where the team is on the position. Elway has made it a huge priority though to make sure that when Manning does retire that the Broncos have somebody in place. They have used 2 draft picks out of the 3 drafts plus picked up what most considered the best UDFA Quarterback this past draft in Bryn Renner. So because Elway has put such an emphasis on the position I like to think the Broncos will still be pretty set at the position when Manning does decide to hang it up. Now on Osweiler he definitely has shown growth every year he has been in the league (which I guess isn't too hard since he has been for 2 years and you would hope he would improve over his rookie self). Just watching video of him his footwork, arm position, how he scans the field, and how he commands the huddle all look to have improved. I have been very impressed with the way he makes his pre-snap adjustments and you can tell he has been learning this from Manning big time. My only concern with Osweiler is that his contract most likely runs up before Manning wants to retire. Is he willing to waste another year or two on the bench waiting for his opportunity? I don't know. I could see the Broncos doing where they sign him to a say 2-year deal once his contract is up so he gets his chance to prove he is worth a big contract. He is going to have to want to bet on himself as say take a 2-year deal where it is $5 million a year where on the open market he could get probably a 4-year deal with say $8 million a year. So again he will have to make that choice of say another $12 million in his pocket almost guaranteed or say gamble that he could get one of those $20 million a year contracts if he can prove himself on the field.

Right now not sure we need to worry too much as we do have one of the greatest quarterbacks in league history running our organization and I am not talking about Peyton Manning. Elway knows how huge the quarterback position is so I can't see him settling for anything less than a say top-5 guy in the league.


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Jul 9, 2013
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Good Topic Actually

But kind of like planning for someone's death, you know you need to do it, but you never really want to do it.

1st off...It looks as if PM can go another 2 years at minimum barring a major injury...I think we're looking at maybe the '16 season. Hard to predict an heir apparent 2 years out, do they keep Brock on a string for 2 more seasons? How much will he command on the FA market? I think teams are more guarded giving non-starting FA QBs big money...Flynn may have but the brakes on that for a while, so unless he's traded...I think Brock and or Dysert will have a shot at the reins.

It could be possible the heir apparent is not on the team yet.


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Jul 17, 2013
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ATL you are right there is just as good a chance that the heir is not on the team. I will say though with knowing Manning most likely plays 2 years maybe 3 years more and knowing that Osweiler would have to be resigned if he is to be the heir to the thrown and maybe that doesn't happen that Elway still turned down trade offers for Osweiler this off season before the draft. Now obviously don't know what they were offering as it could have been well below market value kind of thing but most teams don't call unless they have a half way serious offer. Elway shot down quite a few teams so have to think at least one was willing to offer a 2nd round pick or better in one of the deeper drafts in recent memory. So to me this was a pretty big sign Elway really thinks highly of Osweiler and plans to try and keep him around to be the future.


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Jul 9, 2013
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The trade, or not trade if you will at least shows some short term confidence as he is #2 on the depth chart.

If the current staff is still intact, you're right...in all likely hood if he's resigned he will be the heir apparent.


May 1, 2013
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We sign Aaron Rodgers when Manning retires.



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Jul 3, 2013
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I think the future QB worries might just solve it self in 2015. If Denver were to win SB this time around, I think Manning would retire. Go out a winner. He knows how hard it would be to repeat. There would be nothing more for him to accomplish at this point in his career. If Denver doesn`t claim the title then Manning would try again I believe. We could very well find out if Brock is the future, with a 2015 SB trophy.


Broncos Fanatic
Apr 18, 2013
Kailua, Hawaii
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I think the future QB worries might just solve it self in 2015. If Denver were to win SB this time around, I think Manning would retire. Go out a winner. He knows how hard it would be to repeat. There would be nothing more for him to accomplish at this point in his career. If Denver doesn`t claim the title then Manning would try again I believe. We could very well find out if Brock is the future, with a 2015 SB trophy.

I'm pretty sure that most of us could be very happy with that outcome but if the Broncos were to win a title in 2015, there would be an immediate clamoring from the fanbase to get Peyton to go for another. Remembering back, after winning back-to-back Superbowls, the fanbase was devastated that Elway decided to hang 'em up. Everyone understood but their was a hunger to go for 3, not to mention our beloved quarterback leaving the building.

Personally, I'd be extremely happy if Peyton chose to go out on top with a BRONCOS Superbowl victory. That would be sweet!


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Jul 12, 2013
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I think the future QB worries might just solve it self in 2015. If Denver were to win SB this time around, I think Manning would retire. Go out a winner. He knows how hard it would be to repeat. There would be nothing more for him to accomplish at this point in his career. If Denver doesn`t claim the title then Manning would try again I believe. We could very well find out if Brock is the future, with a 2015 SB trophy.

I think he would feel pretty embarrassed telling Elway that he's quitting because it's too hard to repeat! In all seriousness, though, I really think that he wants to play out the last three years on his contract if he remains healthy enough that playing is worth all of the effort that it requires.


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Sep 16, 2013
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Playing all 5 years of his contract would be awesome if he felt he was competitive enough to do it. I've heard and read how Manning doesn't feel like a true Bronco; he's just a hired gun. Those who say that don't know Jack Schitt. Manning has only posted the two best seasons for a QB in Broncos history, as well as the best in his career and even 2012 was his second best until 2013 pushed it down to 3rd. But Manning playing a full 5 years would really force people to acknowledge: he was all Broncos. That is a significant amount of playing time and a major portion of a player's career. My hope is Manning goes into retirement remembered as much or more for what he did with the Broncos than with the Colts.