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Series Thread: Playoff Series 1st Rd: Bulls vs Bucks


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Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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the Bucks sorely need Jabari Parker in this series. If they had that guy I think they couldve pushed this a little bit.

Milwaukee can play some very solid D- Middleton is one of the best in the business defensively, Giannis is a freak with his length- I put on the game for 5 minutes and he just sticks out and draws your attention because he just LOOKs different- like he is just longer than a real human is supposed to be. Henson is a very solid big man defender off the bench- hes a steal and very underated in my opinion. MCW has great size and is avery good defender for a PG

The Bucks do not have enough offense to do anything major yet.....and its a shame that Sanders quit on them. Illysova is pretty decent too and is not a horrible contract at 8M a year....

give this team a little time and they could do something

Giannis, Middleton, Parker, MCW, Plumlee, Ennis, Henson are all young and havea lot of talent....theres potentially some great defensive players, some potentially great offensive players- and some guys that might be able to do both great like Giannis.

i would be very optimistic as a Bucks fan. I watched a decent amount of this game- and of course watched the whole Cavs/Celtics game.

If I had to pick which team is better a couple years from now I have to go Milwaukee. Boston between all its picks and the guys they have- still dont have a #1 guy- and none of those picks are likely to be top 5 or probably even top 10 picks. They are going to have to pull of a Harden like trade or Love like trade or Howard like trade or Garnett like trade to get an elite player in their.

The Bucks already have 2 guys that can be elite- Parker and Giannis- and Middleton is just as good as Avery Bradley or pretty much any single Celtic.

give me Parker, and Giannis any day of the week over the Celtics future picks/cap space and speculation.


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Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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Have a goodnight guys. Yesssssssss Cant wait for Sat. 1 win away from playing the Cavs.

be careful what you wish for

and seriously- the Bulls D is still very solid- but its not as intimidating as it used to be- the Cavs were a sieve defensively for all of November and December- and only ended up giving up LESS than 1 point per game more than the Bulls did while scoring over 2 points more per game.

Noah is still a very good center- but hes not the athlete he used to be- a lot of injuries, a lot of miles- and he is still very good- but hes not a guy you go into the game fearing and adjusting your game plan for. Pau Gasol is gonna have a helluva time tryign to guard the much quicker and younger TT, and Kevin Love on the perimeter...when noah and gasol start- who is gonna guard Love when he pops on the pick and roll to the 3 pt line? that should be interesting

Derek Rose has looked very good though from what i have seen in this series. He even looks like he has worked on his shot and can be trusted to hit outside shots more consistently then he used to.

Bulls fans- Butler is your best player by far right now right? He is the one guy who is a game-changer defensively- and he is putting up some damn good offensive numbers as well.

i don't know who I expect LeBron to guard- i HIGHLY doubt it will be Dunleavy though if Rose and Butler are out there. It is going to be fascinating to watch the matchups in the series and see who matches up with who.

With LeBron and Shumpert I feel good about the Cavs ability to guard on the perimeter- Kyrie has stepped up to---- and as far as big men go in this series- I think the best defender just might Tristan Thompson- and he is DEFINITELY the best offensive rebounder.

Mirotic intrigues me because in all the games against theCavs he has really not done much- but i keep hearing and seeing here and there that he has really become a guy you have to account for. I do remember the one game against the Cavs Tony Snell went off big time- he has the talent to change a game during the series.

so- in summation

stuff I am looking forward to if and when the Bulls and Cavs play is the matchups

who guards Love on the outside for the Bulls? How do the Cavs matchup against Rose and Butler? Does Kyrie guard Rose? Does Bron? Does Shumpert? or are the "stoppers" better used on Butler? Will Gasol geT mozgov in foul trouble like he did one game this season and really have an impact? Will Kyrie be able to blow by Rose and his surgically repaired knees or will Butler play on him? (If I am the Bulls I put Rose on the spot-shooting Smith and put Butler on KI)


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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Chicago has taken and made a TON of 3's in this series. 14/33 for 42% tonight, 12/32 for 38% last game, and 12/33 for about 36% in game 2.

During the regular season they averaged just less then 8 threes made per game and shot 35%. Cleveland gave up just less then 8 threes a game during the regular season and held their opponents to 34% shooting.

Chicago is NOT going to average almost 13 threes a game like they have in this series. I guarantee you that. Its strange to me that Milwaukee has given up so many 3s as they are a pretty solid defensive team. Is this somehow a side effect of a game plan by Kidd to focus on denying the paint? Anyone watching the games more closely than me have a theory why Chicago is taking and hitting so many 3's?

If the Bulls keep rolling and end up making more threes and hitting them at a better rate than the Cavs next round then the Bulls will win because the 3 is the Cavs bread and butter.


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Apr 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Wiggy, wait for the Bulls/Cavs thread, there will be plenty of time.
You started off well talking about the Bucks, but then you couldn't help yourself.
You don't need to inject the Cavs everywhere.


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Apr 16, 2013
New York, NY
Hoopla Cash
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Wiggy, wait for the Bulls/Cavs thread, there will be plenty of time.
You started off well talking about the Bucks, but then you couldn't help yourself.
You don't need to inject the Cavs everywhere.

He did the same garbage on the pelicans/warriors thread


Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
New Jersey
Hoopla Cash
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be careful what you wish for

and seriously- the Bulls D is still very solid- but its not as intimidating as it used to be- the Cavs were a sieve defensively for all of November and December- and only ended up giving up LESS than 1 point per game more than the Bulls did while scoring over 2 points more per game.

Noah is still a very good center- but hes not the athlete he used to be- a lot of injuries, a lot of miles- and he is still very good- but hes not a guy you go into the game fearing and adjusting your game plan for. Pau Gasol is gonna have a helluva time tryign to guard the much quicker and younger TT, and Kevin Love on the perimeter...when noah and gasol start- who is gonna guard Love when he pops on the pick and roll to the 3 pt line? that should be interesting

Derek Rose has looked very good though from what i have seen in this series. He even looks like he has worked on his shot and can be trusted to hit outside shots more consistently then he used to.

Bulls fans- Butler is your best player by far right now right? He is the one guy who is a game-changer defensively- and he is putting up some damn good offensive numbers as well.

i don't know who I expect LeBron to guard- i HIGHLY doubt it will be Dunleavy though if Rose and Butler are out there. It is going to be fascinating to watch the matchups in the series and see who matches up with who.

With LeBron and Shumpert I feel good about the Cavs ability to guard on the perimeter- Kyrie has stepped up to---- and as far as big men go in this series- I think the best defender just might Tristan Thompson- and he is DEFINITELY the best offensive rebounder.

Mirotic intrigues me because in all the games against theCavs he has really not done much- but i keep hearing and seeing here and there that he has really become a guy you have to account for. I do remember the one game against the Cavs Tony Snell went off big time- he has the talent to change a game during the series.

so- in summation

stuff I am looking forward to if and when the Bulls and Cavs play is the matchups

who guards Love on the outside for the Bulls? How do the Cavs matchup against Rose and Butler? Does Kyrie guard Rose? Does Bron? Does Shumpert? or are the "stoppers" better used on Butler? Will Gasol geT mozgov in foul trouble like he did one game this season and really have an impact? Will Kyrie be able to blow by Rose and his surgically repaired knees or will Butler play on him? (If I am the Bulls I put Rose on the spot-shooting Smith and put Butler on KI)
Im not scared of the Cavs. We are deep and have great Depth. If you want to be the best you have to beat the best. Bring on the Cavs. I just wish it was for going to the Finals. Should be fun to watch.

I agree with you about Bucks and Boston. Both have a bright future.


Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
New Jersey
Hoopla Cash
$ 15,044.06
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Chicago has taken and made a TON of 3's in this series. 14/33 for 42% tonight, 12/32 for 38% last game, and 12/33 for about 36% in game 2.

During the regular season they averaged just less then 8 threes made per game and shot 35%. Cleveland gave up just less then 8 threes a game during the regular season and held their opponents to 34% shooting.

Chicago is NOT going to average almost 13 threes a game like they have in this series. I guarantee you that. Its strange to me that Milwaukee has given up so many 3s as they are a pretty solid defensive team. Is this somehow a side effect of a game plan by Kidd to focus on denying the paint? Anyone watching the games more closely than me have a theory why Chicago is taking and hitting so many 3's?

If the Bulls keep rolling and end up making more threes and hitting them at a better rate than the Cavs next round then the Bulls will win because the 3 is the Cavs bread and butter.
That is exactly what it is. Kidd already said he will not let Gasol beat them. He is double teaming him every time he touches the ball. So its giving the Bulls better looks at the 3. I do think the Bulls can avg 9-10 per game against the Cavs. Bulls are playing better and shooting better. If we can score on the Bucks we can score on Cleveland.


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Aug 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Milwaukee is going to be really good next year. A lot of talent, young...ferocious defense (even if a bit dirty at times), but I will be watching this team next year.

Derrick Rose and Butler. When they play healthy, is there a better tandem on the NBA? These guys do it all. Get to the line, shoot from distance, drive to the basket and play outstanding defense.

Chicago, hands down, is the best team in the East. Not even a question. Of course, when healthy. I hate caveating that every time, because that's the case with every single team. If you take Lebron off the Cavs they're a .500 team at best. If you take Irving and Lebron off, they're a lottery team. The Bulls still managed to win 50 games with their starters playing 4 games together all year.

Now with a healthy team they're up 3-0 and will be absolutely ready to make a run for the championship.

Anyone who disagrees is a hater. Anyone who disagrees simply doesn't understand basketball.

Chicago! Watch out baby!


Nov 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Anyone who disagrees is a hater. Anyone who disagrees simply doesn't understand basketball.

You're really setting yourself up for some constructive message board discussions by ending your post that way, aren't you?


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Milwaukee is going to be really good next year. A lot of talent, young...ferocious defense (even if a bit dirty at times), but I will be watching this team next year.

Derrick Rose and Butler. When they play healthy, is there a better tandem on the NBA? These guys do it all. Get to the line, shoot from distance, drive to the basket and play outstanding defense.
There is a team out in Northern California that might want to have a say in who the best back court in the NBA is.

Chicago, hands down, is the best team in the East. Not even a question. Of course, when healthy. I hate caveating that every time, because that's the case with every single team. If you take Lebron off the Cavs they're a .500 team at best. If you take Irving and Lebron off, they're a lottery team. The Bulls still managed to win 50 games with their starters playing 4 games together all year.

Now with a healthy team they're up 3-0 and will be absolutely ready to make a run for the championship.

Anyone who disagrees is a hater. Anyone who disagrees simply doesn't understand basketball.

Chicago! Watch out baby!
I guess I am a hater and don't understand basketball.
I still think the Cavs will take them. The Bucks have nothing inside and when Pau gets the ball they double. That is going to give your guards a lot of opportunity. It will be very different with Mozgov, Love, and Thomas for the Cavs.
I'm not saying the Bulls can't win, it should be a good series. The Bulls did get healthy (enough) and are playing their best ball of the season at the right time. But my money will still be on the Cavs to make it to the ECF.

Damn it, now you made me be a hypocrite and bring up the Cavs on this thread!:mad2::nono:


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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It is only happening because Chicago and Milwaukee are very close to each other. I would be more concerned if this was happening against a team like Toronto


It happens when you have 2 teams in close proximity and one team has a bigger fanbase than the other. For years, Lakers fans outnumbered Clippers fans during games between the 2 teams when it was the Clippers home game. Even over the past couple of seasons, with the Clippers having their best teams ever and the Lakers re-building, it's about a 50/50 split during Clippers home games between the 2.


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Jul 26, 2013
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Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
New Jersey
Hoopla Cash
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Game time. Lets Go Bulls. I wish we would sit Mirotic again. No reason to play him. Let him get Healthy. We are up 3-0.


The Hawks make me emo
Jul 17, 2013
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Awful lot of red in that crowd.


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Aug 1, 2013
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bulls taking care of the basketball like a college team in November.

brooks is a jackass. why?


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Apr 16, 2013
New York, NY
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Are Bulls fans going to defend Brooks? He is just as bad as Zaza who you guys acted like is the dirtiest player in the history of basketball


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Apr 16, 2013
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Gotta love when Bayless stepped to him Brooks didn't want any of that.....typical bitch who does stuff because he think he can get away with it because he's on a basketball court and not in the streets