I'm So High Right Now
Only if they are foot long hot dogs.
Yeah, about going to a Bisons game one day Boss, I think I'll pass.
Only if they are foot long hot dogs.
Yeah, about going to a Bisons game one day Boss, I think I'll pass.
I am really sick n tired of male athletes wearing pink shit. why can't they support prostate cancer research instead of breast cancer? and put a big pee-pee on their jersey or something instead of pink shit.
It's a good thing the Griffins have solid defense, goaltending, and a great offense.. because they sure can't fight. Pretty cheap shot on Midget Pare over there, too. Come on, Holland, don't you have room for one 6'8 knuckle dragger?
Because the Pro Leagues know that the women still largly control the family spending decisions re: the types of products that their corporate sponsors are trying to push. Therefore, they need the athletes to show that they're all 'sensative & such' to win the ladies over.
I just bought a red practice jersey yesterday
Only a matter of time before I wash it wrong and it's pink
Only a matter of time
Red stuff doesn't turn pink when you wash it with white stuff. White stuff turns pink when you wash it with red stuff.
Unless you bleach the thing, in which case it'll turn white, and THEN wash it with something red. In which case you are a moron.