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Peterson thinks he's worth more than Sherman


Swollen Member
Aug 12, 2011
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Disagree completely. At first I was scratching my head on the Ward pick, but I had him as the best play making safety in the draft, and I like him better than Ha Ha. He played a lot of nickle corner in college, has the best coverage skills of all the safeties in this draft, and since the 49ers play nickle 60% of the time, he will see the field quite a bit. I also think the 49ers see him moving to FS and Reid moving to SS in a couple years. They envision Ward in an Earl Thomas role. Not saying he will be Earl, just saying playing a similar role.

As a tOSU homer, I loved the Hyde pick. Power run game, getting a power guy who has quick feet. He's not a burner, but he always fall forward, and hardly ever got stopped by just one tackler. HAs great leg drive and is a good receiver out of the backfield. He had 1,700 yards and 15 TDs and missed almost 4 whole games.

Marcus Martin is the best center in this draft. He can also play guard as well. I expect him to be the starter day one. Upgrade over Goodwin.

Chris Borland is one of the few players in college that stopped Hyde in his tracks. Not a guy you look at and say, damn, he is a MLB in the NFL. But he is a very smart, very high motor player that will step in and help with Bowman being out with his knee. The kind has top notch instincts and diagnoses plays extremely fast.

Brandon Thomas was a projected late 1st- mid 2nd round guard that played OT in college. If he hadn't blown out his ACL working out for the Saints he would challenge for a starting spot on the team that drafted him. But because of the late injury he fell to the 49ers at pick 100 and we can red shirt him like Lattimore and Tank. He can come in and fill in if Iupati leaves for FA or Boone leaves.

Aaron Lynch is reallt the only other guy that I liked in the 49ers draft. The kid has a world of potential, but he has to get his head straight. He fits the "above reproach" standard we have. :suds: But if this kid can get his stuff together he has a chance to be a very good pass rusher.

Lets also not forget that we traded for Stevie Johnson for a 4th in 2015, and then worked several trades in a matter of minutes and got a 2015 4th rounder from denver, moved back one spot and grabbed Hyde.

The 49ers nailed this draft...... on paper.

None of this means crap until they produce. That's when we can come back and actually see.



Swollen Member
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I don't believe that Peterson is the best CB in the league but he is definitely a top 5. It's hard for me to put him in the top 3 because Niner fans like me have watched Crabtree torch him before.


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I think you are a bit of a homer if you make statements like "it's ridiculous to even consider Peterson being better than Sherman." It's not. It's quite debatable. As a Cards fan, I will say I give the edge to Sherman AS A CB alone.

However, when it comes to a contract, you are looking at what a player adds to a team as a whole. I know PP's point is he deserves more than Sherman as a CB alone, but the AZ brass won't look at it that way. His additional value as a punt returner easily puts him above Sherman so far as overall value to a team IF you believe he's an elite punt returner.

Lots of AZ fans still think he is an elite return guy. I think he was the best in the NFL at it in 2011, but one of the worst the past two. I'd actually like to see someone else get a crack at it.

But anyways...this year they can both put their $$$ where their mouth is on the issue.

The Derski

No Fat Chicks
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BEAUTIFUL. Couldn't have hoped for better.

All we need is a top 5 corner (but not top 2 - Revis/Sherman) think he deserves to be paid more than both of them. Absolutely amazing. I hope the Cards throw him an even bigger contract than Sherman. Not only will that a) Make Sherman play harder but b) just make the Cards that much dumber for locking up money in an inferior product.

Even better case, Peterson leaves the Cards and provides a huge gaping hole in their secondary.

This offseason just keeps getting better. Rams draft was mediocre the picks they had, 49ers just keep doing BPA with no strategy or clue on what to draft, Cards have a mediocre reach draft overall and have a whiny defensive player on their team.

Hawks killed this FA for the money and picks they had. Talk about the rich keep getting richer.

Yeah Revis is not top 5 let alone #2... Get real


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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Haden just got a new contract, totaling more than Sherman. Nature of the biz. The next guy always points to the last guy's contract for leverage. But Haden gave up 8 TDs last year... 8! If he gets a top DB contract then Peterson should.


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Peterson never said he think hes worth more than Sherman, and there isn't a quote in the world you will find that will say otherwise


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Right, I'm playing the homer card and you're not because you rank Seattle last. Go look at walter football, even he agrees with me on the NFC West draft teams as an unbiased opinion (and I was not ranking the NFC West drafts that high PRIOR to his final grades).

Get over yourself.

lol get over myself? Why because Seattle is loaded with talent and they didn't draft BPA at need positions? See that's the thing. Seattle is so talented and have such a great coaching staff that they are able to draft players that have special skill sets to mold them to fit special needs and situations. We have all seen this in PC time here and it has worked out for the best. Still other than the 2 WR that they selected there was better talent on the board at Oline,TE and DL when they drafted some players.

I think we all can agree that Oline is our weakest link and we did not do enough in that area. So now i guess because i am not a totally Bias homer with blue and green glasses i got to get over myself?? WTF? I would not kick Peterson off this team and would take him onboard any day of the week and twice on Sunday.

Do i think Peterson is better than Sherman? No but he isn't worse either. They both are very special and very talented players and Peterson deserves to be in the talking when you bring up the Best CB's in the NFL. If he believes he is the best then good for him. I wouldn't want a player that concedes he isn't the best. Put that goal high and strive to reach it.


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Apr 23, 2013
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lol get over myself? Why because Seattle is loaded with talent and they didn't draft BPA at need positions? See that's the thing. Seattle is so talented and have such a great coaching staff that they are able to draft players that have special skill sets to mold them to fit special needs and situations. We have all seen this in PC time here and it has worked out for the best. Still other than the 2 WR that they selected there was better talent on the board at Oline,TE and DL when they drafted some players.

I think we all can agree that Oline is our weakest link and we did not do enough in that area. So now i guess because i am not a totally Bias homer with blue and green glasses i got to get over myself?? WTF? I would not kick Peterson off this team and would take him onboard any day of the week and twice on Sunday.

Do i think Peterson is better than Sherman? No but he isn't worse either. They both are very special and very talented players and Peterson deserves to be in the talking when you bring up the Best CB's in the NFL. If he believes he is the best then good for him. I wouldn't want a player that concedes he isn't the best. Put that goal high and strive to reach it.

Cards fans would riot if one of there best players said he wasn't on the same level playing field as Sherman and Revis. I'd take Peterson on my team, but i'd take Sherman first of course.


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Apr 23, 2013
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I think you are a bit of a homer if you make statements like "it's ridiculous to even consider Peterson being better than Sherman." It's not. It's quite debatable. As a Cards fan, I will say I give the edge to Sherman AS A CB alone.

However, when it comes to a contract, you are looking at what a player adds to a team as a whole. I know PP's point is he deserves more than Sherman as a CB alone, but the AZ brass won't look at it that way. His additional value as a punt returner easily puts him above Sherman so far as overall value to a team IF you believe he's an elite punt returner.

Lots of AZ fans still think he is an elite return guy. I think he was the best in the NFL at it in 2011, but one of the worst the past two. I'd actually like to see someone else get a crack at it.

But anyways...this year they can both put their $$$ where their mouth is on the issue.

How is PP's value better then Sherman's if he's been one of the worst punt returners in the league in the last couple of years? Wouldn't that qualify as hurting your team then helping? Which in case would make Sherman more valuable as a player then PP.


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Ug, it still must be the off-season since this thread is just pointless. Please, kill it now. Fellow Seahawk fans, there are bigger fish to fry.


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Haden just got a new contract, totaling more than Sherman. Nature of the biz. The next guy always points to the last guy's contract for leverage. But Haden gave up 8 TDs last year... 8! If he gets a top DB contract then Peterson should.

dont quote me, but isn't shermans guaranteed money way bigger then Haydens? In the nfl, the only thing that matters is the guaranteed number.


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My point was just that it's debatable. He's a sure-handed punt return guy which is valuable, but that was about it the past two years. He also plays in offensive packages, which Sherman doesn't.

As to who is better, another factor to consider is that Sherman plays on the left side of the field 90% of the time. If teams want to take him away from their best WR, they can gameplan that way. Usually, the best WR is running a route on the left side, but certainly not always. PP is almost always covering the #1 WR on the other team and he follows him all over the field.

Stats don't tell the whole story. When one guy has ridiculously better stats than another, it can end the debate, but not when they are in the same ballpark.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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My point was just that it's debatable. He's a sure-handed punt return guy which is valuable, but that was about it the past two years. He also plays in offensive packages, which Sherman doesn't.

As to who is better, another factor to consider is that Sherman plays on the left side of the field 90% of the time. If teams want to take him away from their best WR, they can gameplan that way. Usually, the best WR is running a route on the left side, but certainly not always. PP is almost always covering the #1 WR on the other team and he follows him all over the field.

Stats don't tell the whole story. When one guy has ridiculously better stats than another, it can end the debate, but not when they are in the same ballpark.

PP does shadow the #1 receiver more than Sherman. But I dont know if that's because he's a better man corner or just a testament to the other personnel. I mean, there are teams that use shadow corners but they still get burned a lot. Just because they're following the #1 doesn't mean that they always shut them down.


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I think on a per year average Sherman is still the highest paid Corner in the NFL even though Haden's has a bigger overall dollar amount (extra year added). You can never look at the overall dollars though to get the real sense of the contract. Almost never do players actually see that top amount. Usually to get that level you have to reach ridiculous achievements as teams set the incentive parts of the contracts at a level that is hardly ever reached.

This is the beast though that teams will be facing over the next few years in contracts are going to inflate. When you add say $20 million more in cap space over the next 2 years players are going to see that as an opportunity to get a nice raise. The thing is the middle and bottom tier players are not going to see much of that. It is the top tier guys who will. So honestly the Seahawks locking in Sherman and Thomas at the prices they have might look expensive now but in a year or two those might be lucky to be top 5 for their position. The contract that should have you worried is that of Russell Wilson. Quarterbacks right now are getting around $18-20 million for guys I wouldn't even consider top-10 like that of Wilson. $25 million might be the new starting point here in a year or two for quarterbacks.


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My point was just that it's debatable. He's a sure-handed punt return guy which is valuable, but that was about it the past two years. He also plays in offensive packages, which Sherman doesn't.

As to who is better, another factor to consider is that Sherman plays on the left side of the field 90% of the time. If teams want to take him away from their best WR, they can gameplan that way. Usually, the best WR is running a route on the left side, but certainly not always. PP is almost always covering the #1 WR on the other team and he follows him all over the field.

Stats don't tell the whole story. When one guy has ridiculously better stats than another, it can end the debate, but not when they are in the same ballpark.

First of all, the fact pp plays offense/special teams is irrelevant when debating who is the better corner. If I were to compare receivers like Megatron and Djax, I wouldnt consider Djax returning.

Secondly stats may not tell the whole story but they are the best indicator. Plus the difference between teams #1 and #2 receivers isn't always a lot. Especially in the nfc west where 6 of the games are played. Also Megatrons numbers against the Cardinals last year hurt that argument.

Peterson will get more money then Sherman not because he's a better corner but because of the increasing market.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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dont quote me, but isn't shermans guaranteed money way bigger then Haydens? In the nfl, the only thing that matters is the guaranteed number.

Haden's contract is $45 mil guaranteed. More than Sherman.


Bipedal Sea Dog
Jul 23, 2013
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Haden's contract is $45 mil guaranteed. More than Sherman.

One more year. One is getting $9M guaranteed per year, the other $10M guaranteed per year. You could argue $2M of the guaranteed was put to this year, so $9.5M, but still $500K more.

And it's really a wash. Who would I rather have on the field, Haden or Sherman? It's a fair toss up, both are elite at their position, but I do like the attitude/swagger Sherman brings. I think he energizes the team more than Haden.


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Any good CB looking for a contract will be pointing at Shermans contract as a starting point. It's the nature of the business. I'm guessing that down the road Shermans contract will be run of the mill for good CBs.
In todays NFL a shutdown CB is gold and if you find one, you hold on to him.