Suck My Brine
You guys actually watch Adam Sandler movies?
we all know I do ... and I like them

You guys actually watch Adam Sandler movies?
Underrated in my opinion is Jim Breuer. Saw him, Burr, Attel (who sucked) and Jim Norton in Atlantic City a few years ago and Breuer absolutely stole the show. Guy had a stranglehold on the room.
Highly recommend listening to both of these if you have the time.
You're joking, right?
A Caribbeaner butchering the Enghlish language
Eddie Murphy basically just stole Pryor's act.
Sandler and Jim Carrey were funny for 11 minutes back in 1997.
Humiliated I'd hope. Was that supposed to courageous? Inspiring? Classy? What was THAT supposed to be? A Caribbeaner butchering the Enghlish language and taunting terrorists who are dead or in jail? Dropping the F-bomb in front of families? What a total joke.
You don't understand what the word "more" means?
Yeah - he should leave the butchering to Mo Rivera.
Although I didn't have a problem with it, I could see how someone with Thier 2 young kids their could
Hah...the look on Dari Alexander's face is priceless...
God awful, barely cracked a smile, and I put hash I'm my joint that night
Sandler and Jim Carrey were funny for 11 minutes back in 1997.
Artie Lange - Whiskey Talking
you're welcome
Humiliated I'd hope. Was that supposed to courageous? Inspiring? Classy? What was THAT supposed to be? A Caribbeaner butchering the Enghlish language and taunting terrorists who are dead or in jail? Dropping the F-bomb in front of families? What a total joke.
Word. No staying power. Sandler hasn't had a decent script since Waterboy. Carrey hasn't had a decent script since Dumb and Dumber.
Humiliated I'd hope. Was that supposed to courageous? Inspiring? Classy? What was THAT supposed to be? A Caribbeaner butchering the Enghlish language and taunting terrorists who are dead or in jail? Dropping the F-bomb in front of families? What a total joke.