I'm So High Right Now

He will NEVER be GREAT if he NEVER WINS when it counts.
more proof that 10mil/year can make anyone very very attractive
an AHL contract OV does not pull that level of yummer, ever
You're saying pretty women will date/marry ugly men if they are rich....I will have to research this.
Wow, never knew Gretzky had such a fine daughter.
No, she wants to see if he really is "the great eight".
He will NEVER be GREAT if he NEVER WINS when it counts.
No, she wants to see if he really is "the great eight".
Actually no, as it's been well established by the party pooper police that she does not need his money....
I'm saying him being a hockey superstar, by nature of which, he just HAPPENS to earn 10 mil/year, made him less ugly enough, or maybe rich and successful enough in life and business for his personality, wit, charm, confidence and overall sense of being to overcome the obvious looks deficit, to bag the blonde hottie.
But, and of course I am in no way suggesting that this is the case with OV, as she does not need his money as has been thoroughly pointed out ad nauseum by the fact-and-stat patrol, as an example of the more more obvious lowest common denominator view of large amounts of $$ overcoming massive physical shortcomings - please allow me to submit exhibit A just for the hell of it:
consider this a late Christmas present
He's on his way to becoming the next Mike Gartner. You remember him don't you? I realize I was talking over your head, but that's okay.
I wasat your serious response to a joke about penis size. Sigh...
Well he seems to be on the downside of his career already. He's going to have to make some adjustments to his game OVERALL.
What imaginary debate are you engaged in? Wow.
I'm not having a debate with anyone. I'm just stating a fact.
People make far too big a deal about what athletes & entertainers do with their lives. It's their business. I don't care. I hope they're happy together & that's it. If it doesn't work out nobody is going to be affected, but them. People get married & divorced everyday. Marriage isn't as big a deal as it once was.
The entire thread was just a goof, people having fun. To turn a penis size joke into a serious critique of the player then to continue it in other posts is just odd.
I don't give a shit. It's their lives. Let them live it. She's actually been more successful in her Tennis career in terms of actually winning something than he has.