Scotchy Scotch Scotch!
well that was odd.
seeing German and England fans in the stands holding budweiser cups.
everyone knows a german company bought budweiser correct

well that was odd.
seeing German and England fans in the stands holding budweiser cups.
OK, so now I see England got hosed by the refs. Soccer = dumb.
Europe, get referees who can actually see, and America may just ignore that:
The goaltenders wear different colored jerseys than their teammates - GOALIES WEAR COLORED MASKS THAT ARE DIFFERENT FROM THE HELMETS THE PLAYERS WEAR SO THAT DOESNT MATCH
The tons of flopping and fake injuries - DOESNT HAPPEN AS MUCH IN NHL BUT IT DOES HAPPEN
The clock going up instead of down - EUROPEAN HOCKEY HAS THE SAME
The team with a lead playing keep-a-way for 30 minutes - NEUTRAL ZONE TRAP
The use of the shootout after overtime - REGULAR SEASON HOCKEY
The use of the term "extra time" instead of "overtime" - A TERM
The bizarre rules regarding offside - ITS LIKE TOUCHUP OFFSIDE
The clock continuing to run despite the ball going 40 rows into the stands - AGREED
The penalties are even more subjective than in basketball - AGREED
The fact that man has been evolving for thousands upon tens-of-thousands of years, developing opposable thumbs, and yet the players get penalized for using their hands - DO YOU MEAN FOR TOUCHING THE BALL OR EACH OTHER?
On second thought, forget it. This game ain't ever catching on here.
everyone knows a german company bought budweiser correct... but it is odd
The fact that man has been evolving for thousands upon tens-of-thousands of years, developing opposable thumbs, and yet the players get penalized for using their hands .
But Europe wants us to change our perspective and embrace soccer.
Well, half of my "objections" were things I found different, but not necessarily bad. Just indulging in a little bit in satire.
And no, I don't want the NFL to change to suit Europe's needs. I don't care about converting other countries to football. But Europe wants us to change our perspective and embrace soccer. And there is no doubt that there are many things inherently wrong in the game. One being the obvious, blatant bad reffing. And I'm not even sure it's fixable, as the field is so damn large that the ref, even a good one, can't possibly catch all the fouls.
The South African Brewing Company is one of the largest conglomerates in the world.
I kind of thought that they would have the inside track.
but still, Germany and England are so well known for their distinct, flavourful brews... a plastic cup of Bud just feels wrong!
Europe really doesn't give a shit if the US embraces soccer or not.
It is the most widely played game in the world - with or without US involvement.
thats the worse thing about Bettman is that he will do whatever it takes to change the game of hockey to make it popular for another culture and forget about what made the game so great.
Argentina vs. Mexico coming up...I'm cheering for Mexico (Go CONCACAF)
/Will be an easier game for the Germans (hopefully) in the next round as well
Is it just me, or is Argentina's national anthem a little weird?
I wonder if the fans for this match were frisked for bags of piss.
should be a great game.