Grumpy Old Man
When it is on sale, the sign says "two Bottles of Juice for the price of one"
I went to the address - 725 Willow Ave - Hoboken, New Jersey. You can see the guy on the stairs but they recently blurred him out. Apparently he was okay. The woman in black seen up the street called an ambulance and he was fine.
LOL. Me too.
Sore topic right now, staff retreat day yesterday. 500 + people at the Marriott.I wonder if we'll get a welcome gift from @Comeds ?![]()
So I take it you weren't subject to a very stringent code review on any of your changes?On an exit interview, I was asked if I left behind any potential code bombs that were set to trigger in the future (basically wipe out crucial data or bring the system to its knees, that kind of thing). I replied that I didn't and thanked my manager for confirming that my decision to leave the company was the right one.
So I take it you weren't subject to a very stringent code review on any of your changes?
No idea about back then (sorry old manAt the time (this was close to 24 years ago), code reviews were not very stringent. We (myself and four other guys) had basically carte blanche regarding the code that was developed. That's the thing though, because the team was so small, it would be pretty easy to track down any malicious code. I'd like to think we held ourselves to a professional standard that would never stoop to this kind of stuff, though.
As much as I appreciate the coffee hack, I'm having a hard time understanding why the coffee machine had to be on the network.
No idea about back then (sorry old man), but I've also seen this type of question fairly often more recently. I think it's probably a legal thing so that they can come after you if they find something.
I won't get into what I do for a living, but we are very much in the "Trust, but verify" space where we like to think a lot of people have professional standards too only to be disappointed more often than we'd like.
As much as I appreciate the coffee hack, I'm having a hard time understanding why the coffee machine had to be on the network.
The only thing my brain (which needs an afternoon cup, BTW) can come up with is a machine where you have to pay and so it has to connect to run a credit card or verify that you've got funds loaded on your account.
Seriously, what other reason would there be?
But why did the coffee machine have networking capabilities in the first place? That's the part that I can't figure out.I am in the "Trust no one and prove why you shouldn't" space.
So he didn't have to get up and start it, duh.
I've known a lot of engineers over my career who legitimately can only answer "to see if I could" when asked why they did something.
I won't get into what I do for a living, but we are very much in the "Trust, but verify" space where we like to think a lot of people have professional standards too only to be disappointed more often than we'd like.