This video never gets old.Roddy was ALWAYS one of my Top favs. Man that guy was just awesome.
Ah Centralia, Love Canal's hotter cousin.Funny everyone knows about Centralia but Renton Mine has been burning for over 50 years with most of Plum Borough is on top of coal mines.
The only difference is Renton didn't burn down and become a ghost town.
Contractor begins work in attempt to extinguish mine fire in Plum
A fire that has been burning in a shallow coal mine in Plum for more than 50 years, emitting smoke that can be seen above ground and kills trees by
I went to Renton Elementary (long gone) and there was a vent across Renton Road from the school/playground.
Off of Clements road was the mine and even after it shut down (in the 80's) for years and to this day there is still mine waste.
This video never gets old.
not the most graceful little kitty cat
Thailand - big ass lizard.
In context:
Canada would be a Moose
Most of the US it is a Bear or Deer and FL would be a gator.
Australia some animal that would kill you in a second.
I gotta be honest, the new smaller in scale 'street level' Godzilla movie looks tremendous!
Thailand - big ass lizard.
In context:
Canada would be a Moose
Most of the US it is a Bear or Deer and FL would be a gator.
Australia some animal that would kill you in a second.
not the most graceful little kitty cat
Who says we aren't all part of nature...humm, what happened during the years 2016-2020. Ah...