After the Governor's crew ran off, and Glen and Maggie took off their helmets and shouted "we did it", I thought for sure that one of them would get shot in the head at that moment. I'm glad it didn't happen.
Gov is on serious walk-about now. I suspect Martinez and Bowman will just slip away in the night. They know Gov is BSC now, but they do not have the marbles to end him. Gov will either find a new Woodbury to run, or he will go gorilla on the Prison for next season. Maybe they will shelve Gov for a while (like Zobelle on SOA)?
He was 100% in the right. They told him to drop the gun. He held the gun out while moving toward Carl. Carl did what he had to do. The fact that this was not mentioned in show makes me think they did not mean for that message to be conveyed. I do not like complaining about the production of he show, but I think they may have screwed the pooch with how that scene was shot.
After the Governor's crew ran off, and Glen and Maggie took off their helmets and shouted "we did it", I thought for sure that one of them would get shot in the head at that moment. I'm glad it didn't happen.
A lot of people are down on this episode, I guess people were expecting the prison battle to be a bit more epic? I like that the whole charade for the Gov is done. Now he can just be openly batshit crazy which could get interesting.
i found it very symbolic that Andrea's death came at her own hand (killing herself) when Dale fought so hard to prevent that. I know walker milton bit her but she died at her own hand. something she wanted to do since the start. I also found her death in this zombie world entirely pointless. she did nothing to really make peace, didnt kill the governor nor prevent an attack on the prison. she didnt really save any of her friends on either side as the governor killed most of his woodbury people. she actually participated in killing them by never killing him. i know some will argue that she didnt know what we knew but now we all know and she did too and she blew it. it killed her. she killed herself on every level. Im really glad this character is gone. I dont think she was ever useful and her choices just were mind boggling. it was a little sad when Michonne was saying goodbye and I did like her last line to rick. I know how the safety works... does a magnum even have a safety? I cant believe noone else from the prison group bought it. that this was entirely a woodbury slaughter at the hands of their own governor and I cant believe that martinez and the bowman didnt shoot him down right there. they cant believe that he will keep them alive long term now. I do like what happened at the prison. I think the fact that the governors crew panicked and ran made sense, none of those people were true soldiers and once they got in that dark with flash bangs going off and zombies attacking they just said fuck it. it made so much sense and truly I think was a better ending than having a big drawn out gun battle. this was a fantastic season ending and for once we had some hope and happy in the whole group (except Carl) for the end. Im also ok with Carl killing that kid, I have no problem with it at all. he should have just dropped the gun, I know its directed to draw out the scene but if he drops it I dont think carl kills him, the guy just tried to kill them all and Im glad carl did it. next season is going to be fantastic. the governor will disappear for a while and come back when you least expect it. I will think that season 4 will slow down a bit in the first half.
i like that last night has diverged away from the graphic novels (not that i thought the show could ever go down that road)
however ... theres a lot more options (ie new Woodbury transplants) for mass termination for the start of next season without having close to all the main characters bite it
/did i miss them revealing who Tyrese was in pre-zombie world ??? He revealed it in Talking Dead but I didnt think they broached it on one of the previous episodes
Yeah, I was glad to see her go. I just wish it had been more of a statement death. Her death alone wasn't that meaningful because I don't think she was an important character, or a likeable one. She realized the governor was batshit, tried to go to the prison, got caught, and died. There was no meaning to her death. From a writing standpoint, I think they failed to deliver.
For the prison assault, I just wanted to see a cleverer trap. Up to the flashbangs, I thought it was great. Their army panicking and running for it, fantastic. But then they just have Maggie and Glen shooting? They barely hit someone. If one of the badguys still had the grenade launcher or one of those big mounted machine guns, they'd be toast.
I'd rather see something like this: they trap the troops, and unleash a wave of zombies against them. But then Rick sees the devastation and can't take it. He opens the trap to let them survive, but in the process let's the governor escape. It would have accomplshed two major things: 1) Showed Rick had fully regained his humanity. They've been building towards that for a while, so I would have gone all out. 2) Set up conflict with his son. Maybe the Gov terrorizes them next season. Maybe they can't feed all the new people, and maybe some of them cause trouble, getting one of the original team-Rickers killed. Would have made for great drama.
It was a great season, I just didn't feel this episode was all it could be.
only on talking dead.
you dont think they did that last night ? wasnt overt but its brewing