I don't know, something flies into your ear canal flapping its wings and I think the majority of athletes would be freaked out. I'm giving Holliday a pass on this one.
As someone who has HAD this happen to him, I'll give Holladay a major pass.
Honestly, I'm not even sure what I'm giving him a pass for. Not like he went on the DL for it. He just left the field to address it.
The sport you play is pretty irrelevant here.
The toughest MMA fighters could not deal with this without addressing it.
The toughest NHL player would have had to leave the field to address this.
It's a very freaky thing
And can be extremely painful.
1. It happens out of nowhere. Not like you are watching the moth thinking.. hmmm.. i sure hope that moth doesn't go in my ear. One second you're fine and the next... woooooaaaahhhhh WTF!?!???? It's quite surreal until you figure out what happened. And then just mentally freaky after you figure out what happened.
2. It's loud as fuck. Flapping wings of a panicked moth... RIGHT ON YOUR EARDRUM. I do not recommend it. Again, do not underestimate how much this will fuck with you mentally until you try it. And it's not load like standing next to a speak loud... it's an inside your head thunderous loud while felling the movement INSIDE your ear. Like a baseball card on bicycle spoke, an billboard sized baseball card, at 200 mph, on a 200ft bicycle.
3. If in there for a while like mine was, it eventually will scratch the living shit out of your eardrum. Don't think I really need to mention this... but this doesn't tickle. And it's not like you can put some ointment and a bandaid on it.