Well, Graham DeLaet is in the final pair with Jason Dufner tomorrow and is 1 shot out of the lead. Go Graham Go!
/Also, here's a nice pic of Jason Dufner's former wife Amanda.
Tiger Woods undergoes his 4th back surgery earlier today.
the night is youngFor a sec there i thought the dude with the baby blue hat was showering daly with a bag of coke
Scores aren't the only thing that are going low at this year's US Open...
Slow play in all sports is becoming frowned upon. Golf, baseball, even poker.
I tell you, I was in this cash money game heads up against this Russian dude and I flopped a nut straight. I slow played the hand on the turn and then an ace shows up on the river. He thought he had me and puts me all in and then I show him my hand. I remember him saying pay him, pay that man his money.