Throws stuff out windows
What do you have against butter? I mean, I can't believe it's not butter, but...
not me, Sean Connery!

What do you have against butter? I mean, I can't believe it's not butter, but...
You got me there. you're the first on SportsHoopla. Wouldn't be surprised if I got called fig now either
How would you feel about being called Sir Isaac?
Been called that b4 also. Kids can be so creative
You got me there. you're the first on SportsHoopla. Wouldn't be surprised if I got called fig now either
Time for me to sign off folks. You all have a good night and a better day tomorrow
Fare thee well, Sir Isaac. And I bid thee a grand night's rest. May the stars keep watch over you and the moon illuminate your nocturnal steps! Till the sun rises in the morrow, may the natural and the divine keep you! We shall meet again!
So what you're saying is that you co-invented calculus with Gottfried Leidniz?
Then SNES was the best console in terms of quality games. A Link to the Past, Chrono Trigger, Super Mario World, Lufia, the original Mario Kart. Classics.