(>',')> Laser_Mike_89
Give me Scorpion
Give me Scorpion

Don't ask...I'm still kicking myself to this day...
I was always a Zelda guy myself
A Link To The Past is one of the greatest video games of all time. OF ALL TIME!
Put a bunch of guys in a room (even virtually), and they'll talk about 3 things: 1) sports, 2) women, 3) video games.
I'm around video games enough as it is at work, let's discuss something different!
Put a bunch of guys in a room (even virtually), and they'll talk about 3 things: 1) sports, 2) women, 3) video games.
I'm around video games enough as it is at work, let's discuss something different!
What genre of music is Emery?
are you mainly a rock fan?
do you go to a lot of concerts?
Sorry, but I can bounce grenades off of the Facility walls like a frat boy bounces quarters. You would last ten seconds in that level against me.
As for the topic of Mortal Kombat, name the time and place, people. I'll beat you with low kicks, just so I can use Sub-Zero's Friendship fatality.