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OT - I'm bored, Part Seven!

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Boredom Savant
Apr 19, 2010
Spokane, WA
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Whoa. That sounds like the bus stops in Spokane. But I normally have my music on, so when they start talking, I just smile and nod.


ND 14 UM 45
May 6, 2010
Michigan, USA
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Scotchy Scotch Scotch!
May 9, 2010
Planet Earth
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Oh! Story time!

I must have one of those "Do you have problems? You should tell me about them! And your whole life story!" faces, because yet again, I learned much more about a perfect stranger than I needed to know.

At the bus stop, this dude walked up to me and was like, "Man, I was supposed to pick up child support money today, but my ex didn't show up. You know, she's addicted to drugs now. She's a nurse, has a good job, but she spends it all on drugs. I kicked her out four months ago when I found paraphernalia in the bathroom, and she was passed out on the couch with the baby crying in her crib."

There were a lot more details, too, but that's all I remembered.

What the heck?

I was walking my dog one morning about 6 am. I use to walk him around the path that curls around my town along the ocean and there are parking lots spaced out over the route. I came up to one and one car was there and it was this japanese guy smoking a cigarette. he looked at me an I said good morning.... bad mistake

"My wife cheated on me, left me.... took everything..."

"I just dont understand... everything"

"my house, my dog, the kids"

I didn't know what to do I stopped and let him talk and talk and talk. 1 hour later he just stopped talking got in his car and drove away. not saying anything after his last statement


and he was gone. i didn't say one thing at all. I read the papers everyday, looked online for weeks and no stories of a japanese male in his 40s that took his life. . I assume he just moved on in life.

Apr 19, 2010
Tucson, AZ
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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I was walking my dog one morning about 6 am. I use to walk him around the path that curls around my town along the ocean and there are parking lots spaced out over the route. I came up to one and one car was there and it was this japanese guy smoking a cigarette. he looked at me an I said good morning.... bad mistake

"My wife cheated on me, left me.... took everything..."

"I just dont understand... everything"

"my house, my dog, the kids"

I didn't know what to do I stopped and let him talk and talk and talk. 1 hour later he just stopped talking got in his car and drove away. not saying anything after his last statement


and he was gone. i didn't say one thing at all. I read the papers everyday, looked online for weeks and no stories of a japanese male in his 40s that took his life. . I assume he just moved on in life.


That's ridiculous.

You listening, though, might have saved his life.

Which is how I should think about when strangers talk to me, but I don't really want to know about how they're going to stop going to jail because they don't like deadbeat dads and so don't want to become one, or that their wife is on crack, or that they just got out of jail and decided to become a writer.


A useful idiot.
Apr 19, 2010
Planet Mercury
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$ 201.67
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I was walking my dog one morning about 6 am. I use to walk him around the path that curls around my town along the ocean and there are parking lots spaced out over the route. I came up to one and one car was there and it was this japanese guy smoking a cigarette. he looked at me an I said good morning.... bad mistake

"My wife cheated on me, left me.... took everything..."

"I just dont understand... everything"

"my house, my dog, the kids"

I didn't know what to do I stopped and let him talk and talk and talk. 1 hour later he just stopped talking got in his car and drove away. not saying anything after his last statement


and he was gone. i didn't say one thing at all. I read the papers everyday, looked online for weeks and no stories of a japanese male in his 40s that took his life. . I assume he just moved on in life.


Whoa, that's crazy. My most recent random convo was a guy 3 days ago who just started talking to me about work on the street. He builds schools and told me a lot of "green" stuff they are doing these days. It was actually very informative.... and not as interesting as either of your stories. ;)


Scotchy Scotch Scotch!
May 9, 2010
Planet Earth
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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That's ridiculous.

You listening, though, might have saved his life.

Which is how I should think about when strangers talk to me, but I don't really want to know about how they're going to stop going to jail because they don't like deadbeat dads and so don't want to become one, or that their wife is on crack, or that they just got out of jail and decided to become a writer.

i agree totally. he just seemed to need to talk.
Apr 19, 2010
Tucson, AZ
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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Also, that's a crazy story, D'stone. I get a lot of that, too. I also get asked for directions an obscene number of times. I guess I have a face that is trustworthy/looks like I have my geographic bearings.

I get the directions thing a lot, too.

I'm usually just as lost as they are.

But generally I know the general geographic position of things, and can tell them whether to head north or south at the very least.

I mean, I just moved here in June, and I only really go to the chemistry department on campus and my apartment. I don't know my way around this city.

How loud?

Not loud enough, it seems.


A useful idiot.
Apr 19, 2010
Planet Mercury
Hoopla Cash
$ 201.67
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Which is how I should think about when strangers talk to me, but I don't really want to know about how they're going to stop going to jail because they don't like deadbeat dads and so don't want to become one, or that their wife is on crack, or that they just got out of jail and decided to become a writer.

The hard part is knowing most people just repeat the same mistakes over and over. But sometimes people do change, and it's awesome when that happens.
Apr 19, 2010
Tucson, AZ
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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The hard part is knowing most people just repeat the same mistakes over and over. But sometimes people do change, and it's awesome when that happens.

Yeah, I don't concern myself with that. Whatever they do afterward is not my business, and I don't get attached to any situation.

I'm just usually not in any mood to talk to people. I'd rather just listen to my music and look out into space. I'm like that around my friends, too.

But if someone talks to me, I'm too polite to end the conversation, cut them off, tell them to shut up, so I just let it happen.
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Boredom Savant
Apr 19, 2010
Spokane, WA
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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And I get to be on the bus most of the evening tomorrow...
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