
I've yet to grab a foul ball. One almost fell into my hands but some asshole behind me bumped me and neither of us wound up getting it.
I have a pretty story on that.
I was at an Indians game a few years back, sitting in the first row of the upper deck with a few friends. People cleared out early b/c it was really hot and the game was a blowout. So in the about the 8th, the four of us were the only ones left in the row. Guy hits a screamer back and I think it might make it to the upper deck. So I start running down the row and I'm closing on it. I reach out to grab it (it's direction is more like a line drive since we're up high) and it just grazes my finger tips. It hits the back of the seat and pops upward, slows down and floats out over the railing. As my momentum is still carrying me forward, I reach back to try to grab it. I get it with the tips again, flick it up in the air momentarily, reach for it again and it's gone, falling to the lower deck.
My friend jumps up and yells "Booooo!!!!" and points at me and like 5-6 sections in the Upper Deck all start booing me. It was hilarious.