ND 14 UM 45
Check out the new banner on the Detroit Redwings SportsHoopla message board, Eddie. See what you think.
came up with it.

Check out the new banner on the Detroit Redwings SportsHoopla message board, Eddie. See what you think.came up with it.
I'm out.
The problem has to be Photobucket?
I just checked, and I made the banner 1025 x 125 just like Ghost wants, but for some reason it is 1017 x 124 after I upload it to Photobucket?
Hmmmm..... :confused2:
Thats funny but me and my mom did the same video about 10 years ago.
whats wrong with it?If you posting snaps the Nucks out of their recent funk I'm sure there would be several people willing to find you A new one.