Which candidate promised abortions for some and miniature American flags for others?
I voted. And I got a free bagel out of it. It tasted like America. And blueberries.
Best election campain slogan of all time:
"All the way with Stephanie Kaye!"
I'll actually take the time to search for the pizza icon for anyone that gets this reference.
This is just a wild ass guess, but is that a Degrassi Junior High reference?!?
/I don't want to cheat by googling...
So voting is like giving blood then (relatively painless and you get a treat afterwards)
Ugh....don't tell me what to do.
Bunch a goddamned bullies, defending politicians they know nothing about, and parties, that dissolved into each other years ago. If we stood behind each other, in half the manner that we stand behind lying parties, we would prolly be alright.