Large Member
This just adds to my dislike of Sherman. He tries way too hard. He is the Lady Gaga of the NFL.
How can you not be a fan of Sherman (To: The people who aren't)
I would not mean to ignore Bayless' accomplishments, as he's won a few state-wide "Sports Writer of the Year" awards, but he has always been a contrarian; Bayless claimed Troy Aikman was gay in order to sell his book about the Cowboys. Bayless never had to sell his soul to get on ESPN, cause he's always been a soul-less whore that uses his sports ignorance, sometimes bordering on slander, as a way to garner readers, listeners, or viewers.
I hate Skip, but in my mind Sherman is becoming more of a jackass every time he talks. He has Floyd Mayweather syndrome. It seems like he NEEDS to talk himself up to cover insecurities. You could hear it in how he talks too, he doesn't even sound confidant.
I love shit talkers like Ali. He did it in an over the top, bullshitting manner. He was a showman, but some people talk shit to make themselves feel better. When you start throwing your accomplishments in peoples faces, you are just a douche bag.
How can you not be a fan of Sherman (To: The people who aren't)
It's not like its hard to not like a guy that is an egotistical, smack talking douche that also is a cheater.
I love the people that will cheer for a guy like this but yet hate a guy like Tebow.
Skip is a jackass, but Sherman is too. This is ridiculous. He comes off as highly insecure, ironically enough.
Skip does make a good point about not just letting the numbers speak for themselves, though.
I love the people that will cheer for a guy like this but yet hate a guy like Tebow.
I do think he would have had a better point if he left the Stanford thing out of his argument.
I refuse to watch it. But I read some of the quotes on PFT and Twitter. I thought Sherman usually handled himself with class off the field, but apparently not. This was wayyy over the top, IMO. When you make SKIP BAYLESS seem like a victim, that's really saying something.
Richard Sherman takes his swings at Skip Bayless | ProFootballTalk
"I'm Better At Life Than You": Richard Sherman Craps All Over Skip Bayless On First Take
Any Stanford Grad watching that video is tweeting Dipshit Sherman and telling him to STFU! That was NOT a glowing endorsement for Stanford academia.
I dislike Sherman's ego but at least he has talent on the field and I have to give him some props for that. Skip. on the other hand, is just a worthless talking head that spews absolute shit 100% of the time.
Wow! There is something really wrong with Sherman. I felt sorry for him as I listened to his aimless rambling. He is on the verge of a breakdown I think.