Well-Known Member
Except for the fact these guys make hundreds of thousands, minimum, and they have a shuttle service the NFL gives them. The avergae Joe working from pay check to pay check who goes out to have a good time with his friends on friday night has enough to scrape together for a few drinks, and when he is done buying 3 drinks for 10 to 12 bucks..he is now low on cash and can't afford a taxi home, and then later back to the bar to get his car. It would defiitely be the smart decision, but you understand it a little bit with paycheck to pay check folks taking time out to have a good time and not being able to afford the safe alternative home. (I AM NOT EXCUSING DRINKING AND DRIVING, just saying I understand it more, which is why me, as a pay check to pay check, will go get a 6 pack from the store and drink at home in front of the tv when I do).
However, NFL players have hundreds of thousands of dollars and a free shuttle service created just for them basically. There is no excuse in the world except straight out stupidity.
Sorry, I know this may sound rude, but really...if you can't afford to go out and have a few drinks and "if" you know you may have too many...and you can't afford a taxi or don't have anyone else to pick you up, or otherwise make prior arrangements...then you shouldn't be going out.
Either don't drink so much and you can drive home...or if you plan on drinking, make sure you have stash for a cab ride or alternative transportation. Living on a "working mans" salary doesn't excuse you from making poor choices.
And, agreed again with the NFL guys...not taking anything away because they do have other means...but so does the "working man". If they choose not to use said means, then they shouldn't be going out either.