Eat more BEEF !!!!!!
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In Texas we call folks like you piss ignorant. I have forgot more shit since breakfast they you have ever known in your sorry ass life.
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Yeah, the feedlots in Canada are being over run by can't teach stupid better.
Word of the day for you to research...get back to me when you better understand it's meaning. Wildlife experts already do, thank gawd.
In Texas we call folks like you piss ignorant. I have forgot more shit since breakfast they you have ever known in your sorry ass life.
he runs into this everywhere he goes on this site. He's a bleeding heart Lib and like the rest he has nothing but insults and BS to try to support the views he can't explain or defend.
Well that explains it. Dang I hate I wasted any time on him.
I like Nebraskan farmers for the most part, they have their shit together, unlike Neb4life this morning. The ONE State standing up for their land rights against TransCanada, keep up the good work down there on that one issue.
Nebraska farmers do the same stuff you were bitching at him about earlier. How are land rights so different than property rights? It's bad for a company to lay a pipeline on someone's land and probably not cause any damage, yet wild animals killing off their livelihood is okay?