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Northern Rockies wolf infestation problem


Goodell is a polesmoker
Aug 3, 2013
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These damn wolves are ruining the elk rut in several of my favorite hunting areas. It used to be easy to call in elk. Elk are now no longer responding to bugles. Come to find out the Wolves are keying into the calls and spooking the elk off. Finally I had to find an area with fewer wolves. Hunters in Colorado and Utah beware. These fucking worthless flea bags are ruining hunting in Idaho and Montana and they are moving your way.


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Man, sorry to hear it. Just skimmed over some left winged piece about the poor wolves losing their protective status. That means we've reached recovery goals you dipshits.

...hope you drop the hammer on a six by!


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These damn wolves are ruining the elk rut in several of my favorite hunting areas. It used to be easy to call in elk. Elk are now no longer responding to bugles. Come to find out the Wolves are keying into the calls and spooking the elk off. Finally I had to find an area with fewer wolves. Hunters in Colorado and Utah beware. These fucking worthless flea bags are ruining hunting in Idaho and Montana and they are moving your way.

I'm glad we don't have those bastards here. If I lived in an area where they were a problem I'd kill every single one I could kill. I don't know if people out west do that but if they don't they're nuts. We have to deal with coyotes here in the northeast and they're bad enough. They kill a lot of deer and anything else they can get hold of. Everyone I know kills every single dog they see


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It's too bad everything is so out of whack because they are amazing animals.


May 15, 2013
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It's too bad everything is so out of whack because they are amazing animals.

The balance in the ecosystem was long ago destroyed by man. I like the fact that the balance of an animal at the top of the food chain is well on it's way back from extinction. At the cost of a food source which man's gets pleasure hunting for every fall/livestock competing with wild elk and deer stocks as well? So the fuck what!

Get your fat asses out of your trucks and actually go out and stock your quarry on foot then I say. Sorry to hear that some can longer drive up the nearest ridge, peer down into the draws and natural meadows and start blasting away like good ol' Grandpappy use to do, no doubt showing their lazy ass kids how it was done back in the years of lore.


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At least it's the case in New York State but isn't the purpose of hunting population control? If the number of elk are down severely as a result of the wolves wouldn't that make hunting elk obsolete? I'm assuming it's more anything goes outside of the NE? I just know they are ridiculously strict here.


La Familia Ohana
Apr 17, 2013
Northern NY
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I'm glad we don't have those bastards here. If I lived in an area where they were a problem I'd kill every single one I could kill. I don't know if people out west do that but if they don't they're nuts. We have to deal with coyotes here in the northeast and they're bad enough. They kill a lot of deer and anything else they can get hold of. Everyone I know kills every single dog they see

Dude....I spoke with a DEC officer...they've already released some in the Adirondacks. Along with the mountain lion. I understand it's to curb coyote population.


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Dude....I spoke with a DEC officer...they've already released some in the Adirondacks. Along with the mountain lion. I understand it's to curb coyote population.

we've been hearing these stories for yrs but there's no proof of it. If there were cats here we would know it. There would be tons of pic on game cameras etc and confirmed sightings. All we have are stories/rumors but there's never any proof. I've heard the DEC/mountain lion stories for at least 20 yrs and have never seen any real proof of anything


May 15, 2013
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I spose "over-hunting pressure and grazing rights on cheap Federal land" has nothing to do with elk and deer populations declining here.

Bottom line for the average hunter is that it is getting harder to find a scarce resource that had unfettered access to grazing areas once patrolled by a species that helped control populations naturally.

Key word here is "balance"...and the "natural balance" will find it's own levels at some point in time. Hunters/Ranchers have always been good stewards of the land, it's in their best interests and so are the increasing wolf populations. Anyone that bitches about that is just a fat lazy uneducated person.


La Familia Ohana
Apr 17, 2013
Northern NY
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we've been hearing these stories for yrs but there's no proof of it. If there were cats here we would know it. There would be tons of pic on game cameras etc and confirmed sightings. All we have are stories/rumors but there's never any proof. I've heard the DEC/mountain lion stories for at least 20 yrs and have never seen any real proof of anything

Same here...I've not seen either myself. But I don't hunt the Adirondacks. What you say makes sense to me though. I would think that by now someone would have a pix of one on a game camera.


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Jan 8, 2014
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The balance in the ecosystem was long ago destroyed by man. I like the fact that the balance of an animal at the top of the food chain is well on it's way back from extinction. At the cost of a food source which man's gets pleasure hunting for every fall/livestock competing with wild elk and deer stocks as well? So the fuck what!

Get your fat asses out of your trucks and actually go out and stock your quarry on foot then I say. Sorry to hear that some can longer drive up the nearest ridge, peer down into the draws and natural meadows and start blasting away like good ol' Grandpappy use to do, no doubt showing their lazy ass kids how it was done back in the years of lore.

These dogs were never threatened by extinction. They were not found in the areas they're in now but were always plentiful in places north - Canada. The whole "reintroduction" was the result of endless efforts by animal rights groups who're doing all they can to destroy hunting. They know better than anyone that Wolves will destroy elk populations in short order. The goal being Elk populations get low enough that hunting is stopped. It isn't difficult to figure out. The problem is wolves don't give a shit what they kill and they have a habit of killing livestock on a regular basis. We can all agree its a helluva lot easier to kill livestock than chase down an elk. This has happened since day 1 of the reintroduction of wolves and it's costly as hell for ranchers to put up with this. There is no reason in the world they should have to put up with this. Just becuz wolves weren't living where the anti's wanted them living doesn't mean they were/are endangered. These wolves have been used as pawns by the anti's to destroy hunting for elk. As I said before , If I lived out there I would kill every single one I saw and I would bet there are guys doing it.


Eat more BEEF !!!!!!
Jul 14, 2014
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I spose "over-hunting pressure and grazing rights on cheap Federal land" has nothing to do with elk and deer populations declining here.

Bottom line for the average hunter is that it is getting harder to find a scarce resource that had unfettered access to grazing areas once patrolled by a species that helped control populations naturally.

Key word here is "balance"...and the "natural balance" will find it's own levels at some point in time. Hunters/Ranchers have always been good stewards of the land, it's in their best interests and so are the increasing wolf populations. Anyone that bitches about that is just a fat lazy uneducated person.

I think it is sad that the average Joe cannot find a place to hunt or afford a place to hunt. I shoot every dog I see on my place but you know what, they just have another litter and so it goes. The land that I do lease to a hunting club I have far less loss than other folks that do not lease their land.


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Jan 8, 2014
way the hell up north
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Same here...I've not seen either myself. But I don't hunt the Adirondacks. What you say makes sense to me though. I would think that by now someone would have a pix of one on a game camera.

I've hunted the heart of the Adirondacks for 38 yrs and have never ever seen anything that would lead anyone to believe mountain lions are around. We have cameras all over the place all summer and thru the fall - so do hundreds of others and no one ever gets a picture. They simply aren't here. I would bet if anyone saw one they would kill it in a second. I remember yrs ago - in the 80's - the DEC did a study about coyotes killing deer in the Adirondacks becuz there were so many complaints by hunters. We didn't start seeing them on a regular basis until the early/mid 80's. Anyway the DEC comes out with a report , which I still have a copy of , and claim coyotes do not kill deer. Incredible. We were finding dead deer fairly often when there was no snow , nothing to slow a deer down etc and coyotes were doing the killing. this was happening all over the place and the DEC stuck to their guns for yrs until they finally admitted what everyone who hunted had known for yrs. Coyotes have always killed deer and always will. These days we can see videos of it happening all over the place and these shit dogs can take down any deer in the woods pretty much anytime they want. I've never tagged one in my life and never will but I've killed every single one I could and will con't to for as long as I hunt. They're worthless animals that serve no purpose at all.


May 15, 2013
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These dogs were never threatened by extinction. They were not found in the areas they're in now but were always plentiful in places north - Canada. The whole "reintroduction" was the result of endless efforts by animal rights groups who're doing all they can to destroy hunting. They know better than anyone that Wolves will destroy elk populations in short order. The goal being Elk populations get low enough that hunting is stopped. It isn't difficult to figure out. The problem is wolves don't give a shit what they kill and they have a habit of killing livestock on a regular basis. We can all agree its a helluva lot easier to kill livestock than chase down an elk. This has happened since day 1 of the reintroduction of wolves and it's costly as hell for ranchers to put up with this. There is no reason in the world they should have to put up with this. Just becuz wolves weren't living where the anti's wanted them living doesn't mean they were/are endangered. These wolves have been used as pawns by the anti's to destroy hunting for elk. As I said before , If I lived out there I would kill every single one I saw and I would bet there are guys doing it.

FUCK the ranchers and their "cheap grazing fees" on public land then...let the wolves feast on their livestock herds...have you seen the price lately for a decent steak? I could give a shit about their bitching about livestock losses, which they are compensated for with tax breaks at year's end.



Eat more BEEF !!!!!!
Jul 14, 2014
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I've hunted the heart of the Adirondacks for 38 yrs and have never ever seen anything that would lead anyone to believe mountain lions are around. We have cameras all over the place all summer and thru the fall - so do hundreds of others and no one ever gets a picture. They simply aren't here. I would bet if anyone saw one they would kill it in a second. I remember yrs ago - in the 80's - the DEC did a study about coyotes killing deer in the Adirondacks becuz there were so many complaints by hunters. We didn't start seeing them on a regular basis until the early/mid 80's. Anyway the DEC comes out with a report , which I still have a copy of , and claim coyotes do not kill deer. Incredible. We were finding dead deer fairly often when there was no snow , nothing to slow a deer down etc and coyotes were doing the killing. this was happening all over the place and the DEC stuck to their guns for yrs until they finally admitted what everyone who hunted had known for yrs. Coyotes have always killed deer and always will. These days we can see videos of it happening all over the place and these shit dogs can take down any deer in the woods pretty much anytime they want. I've never tagged one in my life and never will but I've killed every single one I could and will con't to for as long as I hunt. They're worthless animals that serve no purpose at all.

I have seen studies that say coyotes kill up to 60 % of the fawn crop. We have a few head of beef taken every year but we control the number of dogs on our place pretty well.


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2014
way the hell up north
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FUCK the ranchers and their "cheap grazing fees" on public land then...let the wolves feast on their livestock herds...have you seen the price lately for a decent steak? I could give a shit about their bitching about livestock losses, which they are compensated for with tax breaks at year's end.


what about the guy who owns the land and pays taxes as opposed to grazing fees ? You still think he's fat and lazy ? The guys works his ass off to hang on to his land and these shit bag dogs are destroying his means of making a living. Maybe steak would be a lot less if the guy didn't have to deal with wolves. You're trying to take an isolated incident that happened where there aren't even wolves and apply to everyone. There are a lot of ranchers who own the land their cattle graze on and there's no reason there should ever have to put up with these mutts.


Eat more BEEF !!!!!!
Jul 14, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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FUCK the ranchers and their "cheap grazing fees" on public land then...let the wolves feast on their livestock herds...have you seen the price lately for a decent steak? I could give a shit about their bitching about livestock losses, which they are compensated for with tax breaks at year's end.


Hmmm you must not make a living raising beef for all the folks to eat. I cannot control how much rain the country gets so I have very little control on beef prices. I have never got a tax break in my life for dead loss it is part of doing business. Not sure how educated you are but let any predator start getting a chunk of a ranchers profit and you will see beef prices go up even more.


May 15, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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what about the guy who owns the land and pays taxes as opposed to grazing fees ? You still think he's fat and lazy ? The guys works his ass off to hang on to his land and these shit bag dogs are destroying his means of making a living. Maybe steak would be a lot less if the guy didn't have to deal with wolves. You're trying to take an isolated incident that happened where there aren't even wolves and apply to everyone. There are a lot of ranchers who own the land their cattle graze on and there's no reason there should ever have to put up with these mutts.

Yeah, the feedlots in Canada are being over run by wolves...you can't teach stupid better.

Word of the day for you to research...get back to me when you better understand it's meaning. Wildlife experts already do, thank gawd.



May 15, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Hmmm you must not make a living raising beef for all the folks to eat. I cannot control how much rain the country gets so I have very little control on beef prices. I have never got a tax break in my life for dead loss it is part of doing business. Not sure how educated you are but let any predator start getting a chunk of a ranchers profit and you will see beef prices go up even more.

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