ND 14 UM 45
Tom Hanks blows up a tank with his pistol.
Tom Hanks blows up a tank with his pistol.
Harry Potter dies.
And then he kills You-Know-Who.
The first baseman?!?!?
I don't want to give anything away.
Hilary Swank gets paralyzed so Clint Eastwood kills her.
a few years ago, the wife and I were flying to London, and we were up in the front of the plane (yay for point sales!)
an older husband/wife were up there as well, and had window seats across from each other.
they were those really daft people who would yell at each other from 10 feet away rather than take out their earphones. It got REALLY fucking annoying.
so, they were watching that movie, and we all knew it because they were so loud about it.
2 hours later, one of them yells to the other "CAN YOU BELIEVE SHE DIED????"
the rest of the cabin collectively groaned. these morons were oblivious.
so I never did watch that movie.
And everyone died.
The end.
The first baseman?!?!?
did you make it through without finding out?
did you record enough time for all of OT?
and in hindsight, would you have preferred to know in advance?