Well, fuck it
P. Kane
mall, did you see my post yesterday? I wanted to go but the gov wants their fucking taxes. LOL
sorry so late
Wow, You just made it. Good luck mall ! Look at my post I was going to take Vanek and didn't I took Stamkos instead and guess who get's the fucking point? yep Vanek !!
I have not looked at the boxscores. Has Patrick Kane scored or assisted?
It's tough not to go with Vanek. I remember I went with Briere until I saw nobody took Stamkos yesterday. Briere was very close to scoring, but thankfully the crossbar kept it out. We just need for Calgary, Florida, and Colrado to stop slacking and start winning so the Flyers can get the prize of the top pick
Like we were saying in the other thread it's a pretty deep draft so it shouldn't mean much difference in the bottom six slot's esp with the lotto.
I was hearing some bad rumors about Ruff being our next coach. I will not be at all happy if this rumor has any truth to it. I think we need Terry Murray. I remember talking to some Sabres fans from work about a year ago that Terry Murray would have been the perfect coach for the Sabres. The funny thing is none of these guys even know who Terry Murray is? Really? Looking at the Sabres roster from a year ago, he would have been a great fit imo. I think Pegulla and Regier left Ruff in Buffalo a year or two to long.
Yo Boss what about me? I got my pick in seconds before 4th
I'm thinking Patrick Kane will not get blanked two days in a row.
So he's your pick?