Well-Known Member

Well this confirms our victory tomorrow.
White towels are never a good idea to hand out....
Well this confirms our victory tomorrow.
White towels are never a good idea to hand out....
Well this confirms our victory tomorrow.
White towels are never a good idea to hand out....
Lol these are ours if anyone cares
SnapWidget | We're giving these #49ers rally towels out at 1pm ET at Atlanta's Olympic Park. #QuestforSix
Sorry on my phone much easier to copy link
Lol these are ours if anyone cares
SnapWidget | We're giving these #49ers rally towels out at 1pm ET at Atlanta's Olympic Park. #QuestforSix
Sorry on my phone much easier to copy link
I'm right there with you Warty...already so amped up its gonna be hard to sleep...unless I get a few whiskeys under my belt...which is exactly what is going to happen.
Gatorchip like this
Those cocky fucktards. Hope they're ready to eat a bag of dicks tomorrow.
I'm nervous. I hate that we are favored and almost everyone is expecting us to win this game.
I'm nervous. I hate that we are favored and almost everyone is expecting us to win this game.
That thought pops in my head, but only because I hope our guys aren't lsitening, i hope they are to busy training.
I just think a game this big against a team this good they won't come in as flat as they have the other 3rd games of the season, I don't see how it's possible to not come in fired up for this game.
I'm sure it's going to fire up the falcons to though, but I genuinely feel like if we don't come out flat and destroy ourselves all game we could eventually wear the falcons down.