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- #21
Thanks again Retro, I have read the post and agree with it. Keeps things from getting out of hand. I am also ready to take my rightful place among the "Old Timers" er I mean "Seasoned Vets". :rollseyes:
Actually Boss, I am a huge and lifelong fan of the Flyers. Since we don't have room for four logos, I left the Flyers logo off. If you run down to the Flyers pages, you'll find many of my posts. The mod over there, awaz, knows me well.
I think its important for all Rams fans to know of the older greats. Its a fascinating gameJust knowing who Roman Gabriel is gives away your age...was one of my favorite players as kid.
Sounds like a lot of knowledgeable fans here
Yep, Reading is just a stone's throw north out of York. Yea, I know about the Philly fans reps. It could ruin any guy's first impressions. I used to watch the Eagles but when I saw those horns with mainly Roman Gabriel, I was hooked for life. Then I followed big Bob Brown from the Eagles to the Rams and saw Deacon, Bernie Casey, Jack Snow, Dick Bass, MArlin McKeever, Roger Brown, and others and the rest was history. Interestingly enough, when Roman was at the end of his career he was traded and played several seasons to/for the Eagles. Good history and always fun reminescing.
You are King, sir.Hey Raminator: Welcome. I am the mod here. Go to the thread entitled "New Rams Fans" and click on the "last page". You'll want to read post number 437 which you'll see on the right hand side at the top of every post.
It appears your avatar may be already taken by a long standing poster "Chillipepper". I am not quite sure yet but I'll get back to you on the avatar and your elgibility to the 50+ club of which I am also the presidente. So once again, welcome to the Rams pages.
I know we are always debating our differences Boss so maybe you just haven't noticed my avatar of late? I go back with the Kings to the Marcel Dion days.Welcome to the Forum Raminator and Mako. We're all Rams fans here, but I can see from your "favorite teams" logos that you guys are also hockey fans as well. Personally I'm glad to see some guys with mutual interests in another sport--up till now I'm one of the few hockey fans here. This is a football board, but I think we can find time for some hockey discussion on our "off-topic" thread here if you're interested. Good to have you!
We're a great group here IMHO but we are not all exactly singing kumbaya in harmony if that's what you mean jaco!just wait until everyone comes back from hiatus. It gets intense in here! In a good way tho.