The Derski
No Fat Chicks
Or is that Dellavadova? He's an Aussie right?The pride of Australia?
Or is that Dellavadova? He's an Aussie right?The pride of Australia?
it's on 2K16 too, actually...
Despite the Thompson insanity, Cleveland has been the better team all night
I see you now have 157 in the time I last looked.I bet it all on a variety of games.
Why do you always have 0 vcash whenever I look? Lol
Really? I haven't played NBA2K since 2K11 or something.
You usually have to know a lot about old school rap to know about Jeru the Damaja.
So far they are neck and neck - and Curry is playing - He is going to play injured and try to wrap this up tonight. It's a close game, so It will be up to the Warriors to be good closers like they usually do. Cleveland has lost by not taking a huge lead alreadyDoubt his shoulder is to the point where a doctor feels the need to shut him down. His shot was on point last game and in game 2. If he had a major concern there, I doubt he'd be as effective.
That's what Tommy Chong said.This is good stuff
I see you now have 157 in the time I last looked.
LEBRON is being Godlike tonight.
See what happens Kyrie when you don't hog the ball....