there we go, Johnny boy ... Trout just went yard for a 2 run blast. 2-0 sorray assed Halos in 5th.Remember alcohol equals puke equals smelly mess equals nobody likes you.
All is well, again.
there we go, Johnny boy ... Trout just went yard for a 2 run blast. 2-0 sorray assed Halos in 5th.Remember alcohol equals puke equals smelly mess equals nobody likes you.
I have company coming in this weekend, so I don't know when I will be able to score the games this weekend. Worst case is I score all the next three days on Sunday.
you don't like it learn to pick better.
you don't like it learn to pick better.
23 Moxie
22 Slinky
I was all saddypants because instead of putting my phone in my work bag today, I brought my TV remote,
fuck you. Only 3. I gave up when I couldn't hear a ringtone after putting the volume to 60.Seriously, @moxie , how many people did you try to call with your DirecTV remote?
I'm now picturing you with burn marks on your cheeks from answering the iron at home.
Have you ever tried to watch a ballgame on your microwave?
Seriously though... I put my REMOTE in my bag as if it was my PHONE.
Do we need an intervention thread for you, too?