Roid Raging
Pirates up 5-0.
If anyone wants to, let me know. The Dodgers fans don't post during games and the Giants fans can't tolerate existing outside their warm cocoon so not sure we'd get any participation from actual fans. Tell you what, I'm committing to being here.
I have noticed the things you mention from those fan bases. I will say one thing for the Giants fans, they are very tolerant of me, and some are even welcoming. I was warned to stay far away, but chose to ignore that advice, as I do not post to :ss:
I post to amuse and or to inform, and found the folks on the Giants board open to my musings.
Last time I went in there was to be friendly and tell them I was watching a different broadcast that showed that Scutaro told the trainer his hand was broken. Made a simple statement of fact and 10 seconds later the "stop trolling" bullshit started up.
That would suck. Especially for you, who should be treated with the respect that one would be due as an admin.
Texas Really? This is Ohio
I left a message yesterday in the Indians thread that the Twins-Indians game was the free game of the day.
The exact reply was:
Women will never understand the concept of fantasy sports.
I have said countless times after someone hits a homerun or scores a TD "Crap that sucks....however I am glad it was him who scored it because he is on my fantasy team"