You are good, I was being a **** lmfaoDammit! My sarcasm meter was off today.
You are good, I was being a **** lmfaoDammit! My sarcasm meter was off today.
It's all in fun guys, remember this.
I disagreeYou are new to this league, but we have been together for some time and there is a certain way we do things and interact with one another. A little smack talk is one thing, but one of the tenets this league was built on is treating one another with respect.
I know that some areas of the Hoop are like the Wild West, but this is not one. I don't know you, so I am willing to assume the best intentions and move forward, but if you want to be part of this league you need to dial it down a bit.
What in the great blue hell are you even talking about?Listen.
We just went through a bunch of BS in our football league. If you are going to act like a douche, you will be gone. That stuff doesn't fly here.
What in the great blue hell are you even talking about?
LmfaoAs a new owner, you should at least make some attempt to ingratiate yourself with the vets instead of talking big like you own the place.
You have been in for like 5 minutes and already antogonizig multiple members. I tried to warn you above. One more antoagonistic post and I will personally make sure you get booted from this league. I for one am not interested in playing in a fantasy league with someone who acts like an adolescent. We have higher standards here.
I didn't do anythingJust fuckin' boot him already...
I'm sorry, I'll stop.You have been in the league for literally minutes and look at whats already happening? Do you see the rest of us arguing and calling each other names?
I will, I sowwy