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Here we go @Shanemansj13
Here we go @Shanemansj13
My team has been been on the fall for weeks, your team on the rise. I don't believe in my team
I’m waiting for “commissioner approval” for my trade for two weeks. Didn’t even realize it was accepted (two weeks ago) until today.
I doubt he listens....he's at bar mitzvah and fantasy sports is frowned upon. He's has to sneak around to do anything fantasy relatedForgot to add, pretty please.
I’m waiting for “commissioner approval” for my trade for two weeks. Didn’t even realize it was accepted (two weeks ago) until today.
Here is the thing. IMO there needs to be some protection from league ruining trades other than after the fact kicking an owner out.
That is the intention of the rule.
Now, I have been a terrible and inactive commish this season. Really abandoned all my fantasy baseball teams this year. Which never happens. So I certainly missed the trade. It shouldn’t have taken me that long to approve it.
I did think someone else has co commish status who can take care of whatever I miss. But maybe not.
I'm selling Darvish or Lynn before the trade deadline if someone wants a veteran pitcher for next season. Wouldn't be asking for a lot just a young player....
Yep, my pitching was the best in the league for more than half the year and now it is awful. Very surprising how big of a turnaround.Pitching is the big difference in our matchup so far
Nice win TKO. I had guys go down but your team is so stacked, I doubt it would have mattered.
Good game. Good season.
@bksballer89 , two week final… good luck
@MilkSpiller22 , is there only one lineup setting (tomorrow), or will we have the option for changes in the second week?
Good game. Good season.
@bksballer89 , two week final… good luck
@MilkSpiller22 , is there only one lineup setting (tomorrow), or will we have the option for changes in the second week?
@MilkSpiller22 I'm trying to offer a trade and it gives an error. It says you have to renew the league. I wanted to get a trade in before the deadline