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Mayhew tried to trade up


Green St. Elite
Hoopla Pickems Staff
Apr 17, 2013
South Bend, IN
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Good info. I think it makes sense for any team to try and weigh any options, up or down, regardless of draft spot.

I do remember saying that I thought they didn't get any offers to trade down bc they made their pick so fast. Seems I was wrong.

Dr. Evil-er

Mayhew for President 2016
Apr 18, 2013
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Not surprising news.
:bullshit: No, but a bunch of bull shit from the spin doctor asshat we have for a GM. NOBODY took less time than the Lions did to make their pick, NOBODY. That is NOT listening to offers.

Is this how they negotiate? Someone throws out an initial offer and they simply say no. Because that sure is what it looks like on the surface. That pick was made so quickly he couldnt have enough time to throw out a counter offer. And there sure wasnt time to do that with potentially multiple teams calling. An already bad situation with Suh just got worse if thats how Millenhew operates and negotiates.

I don't doubt that he made an effort to go up (I'm sure offering the same old pair of used socks he says they were offered for Suh). I don't doubt either that they got trade down calls. But when you take the shortest amount of time on the clock of any team dont fucking come out and say you truly listened to offers. Teams that were actually working in their war rooms might have been discussing making an offer. We had already turned in the card before they would have even had a chance to call.

Just go to your press conference and tell us the truth that Ebron was your guy and you werent interested in trade offers because you wanted him and werent going to risk losing him. At least that doesnt bring into account your integrity like lying does.


Banned in Europe
Apr 19, 2013
Almost Paradise
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Glad Mayhew failed in his attempt to move up. If Ebron actually was the second highest offensive player on their board, Id say they did well staying put.


Nothing To See Here
Apr 18, 2013
Spring Valley, WI
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I was very surprised at the rapidity in which thier pick was made. Had just been composing a post on what trade down offers they mgiht get, posted it, and then found out that the pick had already been turned in. I don't think the Vikings pick had made it to the podium to get his obligatory picture with Goodell and the Lions pick was already in. Doesn't seem like much negotiating going on.


Apr 17, 2013
Land of Confusion
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$ 1,164.87
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:bullshit: No, but a bunch of bull shit from the spin doctor asshat we have for a GM. NOBODY took less time than the Lions did to make their pick, NOBODY. That is NOT listening to offers.

Is this how they negotiate? Someone throws out an initial offer and they simply say no. Because that sure is what it looks like on the surface. That pick was made so quickly he couldnt have enough time to throw out a counter offer. And there sure wasnt time to do that with potentially multiple teams calling. .

Very close to the multiple phone calls from the many coaches calling on the best vacancy in sports...

Old Lion

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain
Apr 18, 2013
Emerald City, OZ
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How many times do I have to say that there was 3 or 4 minutes in between the picks. The Vikings made their pick during the TV timeout. Detroit made theirs 3 minutes or so later but when they came back they were announced back to back.

I was monitoring roto and they posted it before it was announced on TV who the Vikings pick was.