I'm just here to troll everyone
If it is true that Cain is done (not agreeing at all, but just conceding the point in for sake of argument), than blowing a kids arm out in favor of 2 rings is worth it. Many a player has blown out an arm just for the chance at one ring (Nen comes to mind). To have two in the bank is kinda what it is all about.
However, as stated elsewhere, Cain is just getting to that transition point in his career where his heat is just not what it used to be. He is adding more junk to the forefront of his repertoire, and they are not quite as crisp as his power pitches. He is a smart kid, and knows how to pitch. He may not be an Ace for a year or two (again, not saying this is the case, but it is possible), but he is a horse an anchor for a staff.
Ain't worried.
Haters gonna hate. And if they're Mariners fans, they got a lot of loser's aggression to spew.