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Lyons has difficult decision


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May 26, 2013
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Good read and very true. The team has underachieved big time. Some say the talent wasnt there to compete, BS, when you beat the best in the league, you have talent, and at no time should WVU lose to Kansas or IAST in football. If WVU misses a bowl game this year, sent him packing.


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Aug 29, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I have been catching flack from my friends, I have been telling them to be patient. Holgerson has us headed in the right direction. If these 4 games were spread out over the course of the schedule instead of back to back to back to back it would not look as bad as it does right now.

I like Holgerson, I think he has brought some good things to the program. Like the Mantrip, teaching new freshman about the state, #sweetcaroline bringing in state talent to be part of the team, many times even though they are not as athletic as others, but to get some instate to relay to the rest of the players what they mean to the people of this state. There are many more things I see he has done, don't have the time to type them all out that is just a few. He is trying to fit in and be one of us. His dad helped him build his house, why? I think he plans on being here a long time, I think he has came to love the state and the University. If he was using us for a stepping stone, I would think he would of just bought a house.

I remember after the orange bowl many where crying someone will come in and poach our coach, I don't think even if we went undefeated and won the NC that he would leave. I do believe he is trying to build something special here.

Can and will he do it? I don't know. I hope he succeeds. After the next game the road gets easier, no cake walk but easier. I think realistically a 8-4 year is achievable but a 7-5 season would not be a disappointment. Especially if we got a bowl win.

If we finished 6-6 or worse then I would have my doubts on the way the program is headed. Lets let the season play out before we start throwing stones.


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Aug 29, 2013
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I read it twice, and my takeaway is it misses the mark. In the article, this season is taken completely out of context from what has been going on the previous 4 years.

Each season has a completely different set of circumstances affecting it.

The only thing one can say about the previous 4 years is that WVU won a share of the BE, and has struggled to get similar success in the Big 12.

One year in the Big 12, it has a terrible defense with a bunch of underclassmen forced into action. Second year, there is lack of talent all over the field. Third year, QB gets hurt... and team struggles to finish.

There is no pattern established... except there has been more losing than WVU has been used to since the loss of Miami, VT, and BC from the old Big East days... especially under Nehlen.

Bat 20

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Oct 28, 2013
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I have very mixed emotions on Dana. I have been a supporter since he arrived. I have seen the good and the bad. One side of me says give him one more year, we are just about there. The other side of me says, how long is this going to continue, one year at a time. Is it not best to cut our losses? Like everyone else on this board, all I want, is to see the University that I love do well. For me, how the rest of this season plays out will make my decision for me.
May 30, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I like Holgerson, I think he has brought some good things to the program. Like the Mantrip, teaching new freshman about the state, #sweetcaroline bringing in state talent to be part of the team, many times even though they are not as athletic as others, but to get some instate to relay to the rest of the players what they mean to the people of this state. There are many more things I see he has done, don't have the time to type them all out that is just a few. He is trying to fit in and be one of us. His dad helped him build his house, why? I think he plans on being here a long time, I think he has came to love the state and the University. If he was using us for a stepping stone, I would think he would of just bought a house.

I completely agree here, I believe Dana wants to be here and his goal is to be the next great WVU coach that is idolized at the University and state as a whole, just like Coach Nehlen.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I am somewhere in the middle...not like me to fence ride but I am at the moment...I think both articles encapsulate my point of view.. Is the program on the verge of turning the corner or is this as far as Holgorsen can take it...I know this analogy doesn't make any sense but I will use it anyway...I thought that Neal Huntington had no idea of what he was doing when got the job and the sell job ownership seemed to be pitching about creating a championship caliber team even though they were not spending any real money....but they have done that in the end...I hope Dana and his staff are at the same tipping point...my concern of what I see on the field and I have said it to BBW..they don't look crisp on offense..the line doesn't seem to come off the ball well together at times..especially in pass protection...and that should be Dana's wheel house...I hope the impact wins start coming..I like how this staff can recruit...maybe the best staff for that purpose ever in morgantown..